CiscoDevNet / ansible-nso

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Compliance Checks with Ansible #8

Open jabelk opened 3 years ago

jabelk commented 3 years ago

feedback from user:

User is working on a compliance check where they use Ansible module to interact with NSO’s compliance templates. The challenge is we only could figure out how to save the results to the state directory with the html results. This has been difficult because we want to GET the results form the API to pass to Ansible.

I have a task to run the compliance report but there doesn't seem to be a great way to get the report itself from the API? Right now, the script just looks to see if there were any violation errors and if there are, it will re-apply the template It would be best if a preview of what the compliance report violations are could be added to the script. Trying to use the URI module to download that report like a web page could be awkward. I had to write a small module to attach a device template in NSO as the nso_action ansible module didn't seem to be able to handle it correctly. This could be a bug in the ansible module.

andubiel commented 3 years ago

These are the ansible files mentioned.

jabelk commented 3 years ago


Testing the capabilities of NSO templates for runbook automation.


The inventory here uses the NSO DevNET lab.

Set up Local NSO

Notes on LAB setup: SSH/Netconf must be configured on core-rtr01/02 dist-rtr02 is used as the NTP server (ntp master)


nso_self-healing.yaml: nso_sync_devices - Pull the current running config of the device into NSO. nso_compliance_report - Run compliance report. To Do: Need to get the details from the compliance report into ansible. nso_remediate - If the compliance report returns compliance-status of violations, re-apply the template. nso_post_change_test - Check that the NTP servers are in sync after the change, if not fail task. To Do: need 2nd compliance report after the change to verify there are no more violations.

upload to github

Set up Local NSO

ncs-setup --package nso/packages/neds/cisco-ios-cli-6.67 \ --package nso/packages/neds/cisco-nx-cli-5.20 \ --package nso/packages/neds/cisco-iosxr-cli-7.32 \ --package nso/packages/neds/cisco-asa-cli-6.12 \ --dest nso-instance

cd ~/nso-instance ncs

ncs_cli -C -u admin

conf devices authgroups group labadmin default-map remote-name cisco default-map remote-password cisco default-map remote-secondary-password cisco commit top

devices device edge-sw01 address authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.67 device-type cli protocol telnet ssh host-key-verification none commit devices device core-rtr01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-iosxr-cli-7.32 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device core-rtr02 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-iosxr-cli-7.32 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device dist-rtr01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.67 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device dist-rtr02 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.67 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device dist-sw01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-nx-cli-5.20 device-type cli protocol telnet ned-settings cisco-nx behaviours show-interface-all enable state admin-state unlocked ! devices device dist-sw02 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-nx-cli-5.20 device-type cli protocol telnet ned-settings cisco-nx behaviours show-interface-all enable state admin-state unlocked ! devices device edge-firewall01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-asa-cli-6.12 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device edge-sw01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.67 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! devices device internet-rtr01 address ssh host-key-verification none authgroup labadmin device-type cli ned-id cisco-ios-cli-6.67 device-type cli protocol telnet state admin-state unlocked ! commit end devices connect show devices list devices sync-from


telnet cisco/cisco

conf ssh server v2 ssh server netconf port 830 ssh server netconf vrf Mgmt-intf netconf agent tty ! netconf-yang agent ssh commit exit ! crypto key generate dsa

telnet cisco/cisco

conf ssh server v2 ssh server netconf port 830 ssh server netconf vrf Mgmt-intf netconf agent tty ! netconf-yang agent ssh commit exit ! crypto key generate dsa

re-sync NSO

ncs_cli -C -u admin devices sync-from

Try running the main playbook

copy files cd /home/developer/nso_self-healing

ansible-playbook -i inventory/devnet.ini nso_self-healing.yaml -vv

ansible-playbook -i inventory/devnet.ini nso_self-healing.yaml -vv --extra-vars "nso_username=admin nso_password=admin"

got the following error

line 1214, in do_open\n    raise URLError(err)\nurllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error

makes me think there is something wrong with the URL or ports

the role inclue is

- name: Playbook to add hosts to NSO.
  hosts: lab_all
  gather_facts: false

  - name: sync devices to nso
      name: nso_sync_devices

which then runs

- name: sync all devices
    username: '{{ nso_username }}'
    password: '{{ nso_password }}'
    path: /ncs:devices/device{'{{inventory_hostname}}'}/sync-from
    input: {}
   no_proxy:, localhost, 10.10.*.*
  register: sync_var

- debug: var=sync_var.output

- name: conditional fail if sync fails
    msg: 'Device sync-from not successful'
  when: 'sync_var.output != {"result": "true"}'