CiscoDevNet / learning-labs-issues

Defects and bugs in learning lab content and project management
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Follow-up on remaining pyATS lab issues #219

Open klevenstein opened 4 years ago

klevenstein commented 4 years ago

Some items I wasn't sure how to fix:

  1. In /labs/intro-to-genie/ 1. Navigate to the folder above and view the HTML log files using any browser. The logs contain step-by-step execution details of each test case that was run: How do you get your browser to access these files?

  2. In /labs/parsers-with-genie/, ouput after the command robot genie_connect.robot includes this error: ./pyats/lib/python3.6/site-packages/unicon/plugins/nxos/ DeprecationWarning: Arguments 'username', 'enable_password','tacacs_password' and 'line_password' are now deprecated and replaced by 'credentials'. super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

  3. Failed tests after robot genie_parsers.robot:

    Could not find parser for 'genie.libs.parser.show_bgp.ShowBgpProcessVrfAll'
    execute and parse 'show platform' on UUT                              | FAIL |
    Could not find parser for 'genie.libs.parser.show_platform.ShowModule'
    Genie Parsers                                                         | FAIL |
    3 critical tests, 1 passed, 2 failed
    3 tests total, 1 passed, 2 failed```

Note to self: amend order of labs in the module:

annegentle commented 4 years ago

I've added two Issues to the code repo: