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It is necessary to integrate and manage tags. #99

Open ailuropoda0 opened 5 years ago

ailuropoda0 commented 5 years ago

There are so many cases that tags have different words, but the same meaning such as 'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'. And there are even the cases using tags as a description like 'Secure REST API development' and 'Python 入門 - パート 1'. I write a list of tags which need to be changed.

'Git' and 'Git 入門'(03-python-01-git-basic-workflows-jp) 'macOS' and 'Mac OS'(01-dev-setup-03-dev-mac-jp) 'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'(dne-dci-intro-nxos-mission-02_ansible-mission) 'REST' and 'REST API' 'Secure REST API development'(Secure%20API%20Development%20Workshop) -> 'REST' and 'Security'(?) 'Cisco CloudLock Threat Defence'(Cisco%20CloudLock-restapi-101) -> 'Cisco CloudLock' and 'Threat Defence' 'Python を使用して JSON を解析する'(03-python-05-parsing-json-python-jp) -> 'Python' and 'JSON' 'Python 入門 - パート 1'(03-python-03-python-part1-jp) -> 'Python' 'Python 入門 - パート 2'(03-python-04-python-part2-jp) -> 'Python' (Introduction%20to%20the%20Cisco%20Threat%20Grid%20API) has so many tags 'threatGrid', 'threatgrid', 'threat grid', 'Threat Grid', 'threatGrid API', 'threatgrid API', and 'Threat Grid API'

annegentle commented 5 years ago

@klevenstein This set of tags for consolidation fits nicely with your ongoing tag cleanup. Thanks @ailuropoda0 for giving us this list.