There are so many cases that tags have different words, but the same meaning such as 'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'. And there are even the cases using tags as a description like 'Secure REST API development' and 'Python 入門 - パート 1'.
I write a list of tags which need to be changed.
'Git' and 'Git 入門'(03-python-01-git-basic-workflows-jp)
'macOS' and 'Mac OS'(01-dev-setup-03-dev-mac-jp)
'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'(dne-dci-intro-nxos-mission-02_ansible-mission)
'Secure REST API development'(Secure%20API%20Development%20Workshop) -> 'REST' and 'Security'(?)
'Cisco CloudLock Threat Defence'(Cisco%20CloudLock-restapi-101) -> 'Cisco CloudLock' and 'Threat Defence'
'Python を使用して JSON を解析する'(03-python-05-parsing-json-python-jp) -> 'Python' and 'JSON'
'Python 入門 - パート 1'(03-python-03-python-part1-jp) -> 'Python'
'Python 入門 - パート 2'(03-python-04-python-part2-jp) -> 'Python'
(Introduction%20to%20the%20Cisco%20Threat%20Grid%20API) has so many tags 'threatGrid', 'threatgrid', 'threat grid', 'Threat Grid', 'threatGrid API', 'threatgrid API', and 'Threat Grid API'
There are so many cases that tags have different words, but the same meaning such as 'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'. And there are even the cases using tags as a description like 'Secure REST API development' and 'Python 入門 - パート 1'. I write a list of tags which need to be changed.
'Git' and 'Git 入門'(03-python-01-git-basic-workflows-jp) 'macOS' and 'Mac OS'(01-dev-setup-03-dev-mac-jp) 'NX-OS' and 'NXOS'(dne-dci-intro-nxos-mission-02_ansible-mission) 'REST' and 'REST API' 'Secure REST API development'(Secure%20API%20Development%20Workshop) -> 'REST' and 'Security'(?) 'Cisco CloudLock Threat Defence'(Cisco%20CloudLock-restapi-101) -> 'Cisco CloudLock' and 'Threat Defence' 'Python を使用して JSON を解析する'(03-python-05-parsing-json-python-jp) -> 'Python' and 'JSON' 'Python 入門 - パート 1'(03-python-03-python-part1-jp) -> 'Python' 'Python 入門 - パート 2'(03-python-04-python-part2-jp) -> 'Python' (Introduction%20to%20the%20Cisco%20Threat%20Grid%20API) has so many tags 'threatGrid', 'threatgrid', 'threat grid', 'Threat Grid', 'threatGrid API', 'threatgrid API', and 'Threat Grid API'