CiscoDevNet / terraform-provider-aci

Terraform Cisco ACI provider
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`aci_fabric_node_member` resource do not remove node from inventory #1214

Open edudppaz opened 1 month ago

edudppaz commented 1 month ago

Community Note

Terraform Version


APIC version and APIC Platform

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "aci_fabric_node_member" "fabricNodes" {
  for_each = { for node in try(local.nodes, []) : => node }
  name     =
  serial   = each.value.serial_number
  node_id  =
  pod_id   = each.value.pod
  role     = each.value.role

Debug Output

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

Upon destruction of the resource, the aci node should be removed from the fabric inventory.

Actual Behavior

A terraform apply reports the destruction of the resource, and the resource gets removed from the terraform state. However, the fabric node member is not removed from the fabric inventory.

2024-05-13T09:11:58.3126327Z[0].aci_fabric_node_member.fabricNodes["1136"]: Destruction complete after 0s

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform plan
  2. terraform apply

Important Factoids

The proper API call to remove the node from inventory is: https://<IP>/api/node/mo/uni/fabric/outofsvc.json

With body (example):

  "fabricRsDecommissionNode": {
    "attributes": {
      "tDn": "topology/pod-1/node-1136",
      "status": "created,modified",
      "removeFromController": "true"


shrsr commented 1 month ago

@edudppaz Thank you for opening the issue. Our team will look into this and get back to you.

bardahlm commented 1 month ago

Just a comment regarding use of aci_fabric_node_member. When one switch needed to be replaced we got into trouble as Terraform wanted to remove the old switch, which did no longer exist. After this we changed to use serial number as key instead of hostname. The next time we had to replace a switch we had no problems, just imported the new switch into state after adding it to the fabric using the gui.