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useg epg creation #1221

Open micronemo opened 1 month ago

micronemo commented 1 month ago

Community Note


how can I create a complete useg epg in the aci_application_epg resource by setting is_attr_based_epg = "yes" I create a useg but I can't create: resource "aci_rest_managed" "fvCrtrn_ubuntu" { class_name = "fvCrtrn" dn = "${}/crtrn" content = { match = "any" name = "default" prev = "0" scope = "scope-bd" } }

resource "aci_rest_managed" "fvVmAttr" { class_name = "fvVmAttr" dn = "${aci_rest_managed.fvCrtrn_ubuntu.dn}/vmattr-0" content = { operator = "startsWith" type = "vm-name" value = "ubuntu" name = "0"

Are there any resources on this?

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APIC version and APIC Platform

Potential Terraform Configuration

# Copy-paste your Terraform configurations here - for large Terraform configs,
# please use a service like Dropbox and share a link to the ZIP file. For
# security, you can also encrypt the files using our GPG public key.


shrsr commented 1 month ago

@micronemo Thank you for opening this issue. I went through our provider and looks like the resource aci_application_epg doesn't allow an implicit creation of "fvCrtrn". Our team will look into it and update the resource with the ability to create "fvCrtrn" and other missing objects.