│ Error: Client Error
│ with nxos_ipv4_static_route.example["switch_2"],
│ on main.tf line 38, in resource "nxos_ipv4_static_route" "example":
│ 38: resource "nxos_ipv4_static_route" "example" {
│ Failed to retrieve object, got error: JSON error: {"imdata":[{"error": {"attributes": {"code": "403","text": "Need a valid webtoken cookie (named APIC-Cookie) or a signed request with signature in the cookie APIC-Request-Signature for all REST API requests"}}}]}
Using the following script on the version 0.4.1, i'm getting auth errors. here is the script i'm using:
And here is the error i'm seeing:
I don't get auth errors when downgrading to 0.4.0