│ Error: Configuration Read Error
│ with module.sdwan.sdwan_system_basic_profile_parcel.system_basic_profile_parcel["system2-basic"],
│ on ../terraform-sdwan-nac-sdwan/sdwan_profile_parcels.tf line 152, in resource "sdwan_system_basic_profile_parcel" "system_basic_profile_parcel":
│ 152: gps_longitude = try(each.value.basic.longitude, null)
│ An unexpected error was encountered trying to convert an attribute value from the
│ configuration. This is always an error in the provider. Please report the following to the
│ provider developer:
│ Error: Value %!s(*big.Float=-10.1) is not an integer.
I assume in resource_sdwan_system_basic_profile_parcel.go we should change:
Push of basic parcel fails with:
I assume in resource_sdwan_system_basic_profile_parcel.go we should change: From: