CitadelOnTheMove / agt

Citadel Application Generation Tool
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Allow location of datasets: Europe/Country/Region/City (not only city level as a datasets location) #32

Open jiri-b opened 10 years ago

jiri-b commented 10 years ago

I would appreciate to allow selection of datasets per Country/Region/City (not only city level as a datasets location) in the AGT This influences the centring of my screen to the dataset region. If the dataset is not uploaded with a location at some city level but e.g. for the whole Czech Republic and I use such dataset to create the app, the app screen is centred somewhere on the equator in the middle of atlantic ocean. I would suggest to allow users to select at least countries and cities (if not regions) when uploading their datasets (and not only city). Also Europe should be an option. What if I will have some pan-EU datasets with POIs which I will want to combine with several city datasets? As it is now, I'm forced to map the dataset under some city and then the dataset is only displayed in AGT when this city is selected (even though it's pan-european)