CitadelOnTheMove / agt

Citadel Application Generation Tool
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Website section 'Explore my Citadel' shows the wrong buttons #58

Open tthoeye opened 10 years ago

tthoeye commented 10 years ago

The submenu items are

whereas the buttons show

Which seems inconsistent. I would personally prefer to replace the 'Create an app' button with the 'ask a question' button since I feel that the AGT is easily accessible through other parts of the site and the 'ask a question' section deserves more some more visibility.

What do you think?

Facyla commented 10 years ago

Agree ! I think there should be only on entry menu per link, no double, so maybe some structure changes could help. We need to think it so that the user journey is clear, whether he wants to access/publish data, or create an app, or find Doc/help, or know more about the project and partnership.

Well, i'd go further if we try tro redefine the menus order : There are some menus i feel quite comformtable with :

I feel there could be some better ideas for the latests, but the general idea is to have something that answers more clearly to "Where should i go if i want to know more about...".

Also "Ask for help" could be renamed to something like "Contact us", because what it does is not clear yet (much too close from Ask a question).