Citi / scaler

Efficient, lightweight and reliable distributed computation engine
Apache License 2.0
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Client timeout when running in a suspended processor #14

Open rafa-be opened 2 weeks ago

rafa-be commented 2 weeks ago

When a task gets suspended, it is prevented from running by a SIGSTOP signal.

If the task is running a Scaler client, that will prevent it from sending heartbeats to the scheduler. If suspended for long enough, the client will raise either a TimeoutError or ClientQuitException exception (if the timeout is first triggered at the client or scheduler side).

The (currently disabled) test_no_timeout_if_suspended test reproduces this issue.

One way to solve this problem is to disable the client heartbeat mechanism when the client is running inside a worker. That raises a few changes:

rafa-be commented 12 hours ago

One way to prevent the processor thread to do any computation is to setup a signal handler that waits on a condition variable:

import multiprocessing
import os
import time
import signal

def process_2(condition):
    def signal_handler(sig, frame):
        if sig == signal.SIGUSR1:
            print(f"Process 2 received signal, wait on condition variable.")
            with condition:
            print("Process 2 stopped waiting on condition variable")

    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler)

    while True:
        print("Process 2 is doing a computation...")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    condition = multiprocessing.Condition()

    p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=process_2, args=(condition,))


    print(f"Process 1 sending SIGUSR1 to Process 2 (PID {})")
    os.kill(, signal.SIGUSR1)

    time.sleep(5)  # Wait a bit before notifying the condition variable

    print("Process 1 notifying the condition variable.")
    with condition:

    # Wait for Process 2 to finish
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 1 sending SIGUSR1 to Process 2 (PID 84341)
Process 2 received signal, wait on condition variable.
Process 1 notifying the condition variable.
Process 2 stopped waiting on condition variable
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...
Process 2 is doing a computation...

This only blocks the main thread, and will not prevent any client or 0mq thread to execute.

I couldn't find any documentation saying that waiting on a synchronization primitive should not be done inside a signal handler, except that it's not recommended as it might prevent the main thread to execute... but that's exactly what we are trying to do...