CitiesSkylinesMods / CitiesSkylinesModWishList

Contains ideas about new mods for the Cities: Skylines game.
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Seasons (new mod) #1

Open originalfoo opened 5 years ago

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

I've seen some stuff recently that makes me think a seasons mod might actually be a viable project now.

For clarification, I'm referring to summer, autumn, winter, spring type seasons.

We know the current month in game, and we know lat and long from the map.

The things that would be affected by seasons (other than RT itself):

There's a bunch of mods in various states of disrepair that do bits of all these things, but nothing ties them together. Even if just a few of these things could be properly orchestrated based on seasons it would give the game a much more realistic feel.

TM:PE will likely take environmental and other conditions in to account at some point (we now have infrastructure for road and cim driving modifiers, adding global modifiers would be relatively easy).

Anyway, just another crazy idea for a mod :)

dymanoid commented 5 years ago

@aubergine10, I created a new repository for the "mods wish list". There are a couple of ideas in the meanwhile, so it's better to keep them all together and don't clutter the Real Time issues tracker.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

Theme Mixer 2 mod might pose some interesting possibilities for seasons:

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

Now that some time has passed, and we have things like Theme Mixer 2 and Network Skins 2, I think there is a very real opportunity to make a robust seasons mod: Real Seasons

The contentious issue here is that several smaller mods ideally need rolling in to one bigger mod to facilitate a proper "schedule" of the environment over, say, a 2-4 week period:

Being able to manage all that stuff as part of a "seasons biorhythm" would be genuinely spectacular.

Also, the schedule would need to feed in to RT, eg. so cims schedules include "fleeing from rain", and also feed in to the disaster warning system (if user has ND DLC) for advance warnings of certain weather events.

It would benefit from integration with, if subbed and active, the following mods:

Also, I hear Elektrix has a part-baked mod for changing light colours/auras (sort of "network skins, but for lights"). So, imagine if it's foggy, the aura around lights could grow, but if it's clear there would be very little aura.

So there's all sorts of little - and big - tweaks that can happen; if they are orchestrated based on the weather / season / etc, it would be spectacular. We could also add in new "disasters" such as drought during prolonged hot periods; warmer sun colour, vegetation wilts, more fires, water levels drop...

As you may suspect, I have "several" other ideas (example from some years ago) should you be crazy enough to embark on this seasons mod :)

originalfoo commented 2 years ago

Setting grass texture white = makes map look like winter (depends on other terrain textures).

NetManager.m_treatWetAsSnow could be set when below 4 deg C.