CitiesSkylinesMods / CitiesSkylinesModWishList

Contains ideas about new mods for the Cities: Skylines game.
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Convert the Campus DLC buildings to residential, commercial, healthcare #19

Open t1a2l opened 5 years ago

t1a2l commented 5 years ago

I wanted to let you know about the dormitory problem. it is a residential buliding that is part of the campus in the campus dlc. I think it should operate in the night also so students wouldn't leave it. Although the dormitory offices shouldn't work at night but the residents shouldn't leave also. so maybe it should stay not operated but make the residents stay on the night also.

dymanoid commented 5 years ago

Dormitories are technically not residential buildings, but educational buildings. No one lives there. The game treats dormitories exactly the same way as the other Campus buildings.

The number of students shown in the dormitory info panel is not the number of students living there, but simply the number of students currently "studying" in that building. So dormitory is a fake in the game.

Thus, Real Time handles dormitories as all other Campus buildings and deactivates them, when the workday ends. There is no easy way to distinguish dormitories from other buildings.

Since the students will leave all Campus buildings at the end of the workday anyway, I'm not sure what could we do here. The students will move home, actually. To their real home buildings, where they actually live. This is also true for the vanilla game.

@aubergine10, @Sipke82, any thoughts?

t1a2l commented 5 years ago

Before i contacted you, I talked to the CS team and they said it is an actual residential building.

dymanoid commented 5 years ago

According to the game's code, they are not. It's a fake "residential" building. No one lives there. Citizens can only "work" or "study" there.

t1a2l commented 5 years ago

Ok thanks. You can close.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

A key part of any campus is always the student accommodation:

So, it would be cool if we could somehow convert those dormitories in to residential buildings, or find some other way to make the students live there.

I've been looking at the details of the campus buildings on the Loading Screen Manager building prefab compendium, and it seems the issue isn't just residential - there are buildings that should be leisure, commercial, etc., too.

For example, the cafeteria (should be commercial?) is classified as:

Liberal Arts Cafeteria 01
PlayerEducation PlayerEducationLiberalArts
L3 8x5 Straight

And the dance club (should be leisure?) is classified as:

Liberal Arts Dance Club 01
PlayerEducation PlayerEducationLiberalArts
L3 5x5 Straight

And groundskeeping, which could be considered something like a "park maintenance" building, is just:

Liberal Arts Groundskeeping 01
PlayerEducation PlayerEducationLiberalArts
L3 4x3 Straight

The gym could be considered as a healthcare building (like sauna, etc), but once again it's got the same bland "just another campus building" categories:

Liberal Arts Gymnasium 01
PlayerEducation PlayerEducationLiberalArts
L3 8x10 Straight

It's like there's literally no difference between these buildings looking at the usual UI categories, etc. Maybe I'm missing something? Do they all have same building AI? Is there anything at all that distinguishes them from one another?

What if RT integrated with the Find It mod.... Find It has a feature that lets users add custom tags to assets, which means we could give hints to RT about how we want a building to behave?

dymanoid commented 5 years ago

@aubergine10, yes, all these building have the same AI and the same classification PlayerEducation. For the game code, they all are the same, no difference... They differ only by the building 3D model and textures.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

I suspect making them distinct and meaningful would ideally be handled by a separate mod; that kind of alteration to buildings doesn't seem to fit within scope of RT.