CitiesSkylinesMods / CitiesSkylinesModWishList

Contains ideas about new mods for the Cities: Skylines game.
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Fork "Ambient Sounds Tuner" mod to create RT-aware version #5

Open originalfoo opened 5 years ago

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Splitting this out from #180...

Currently the city sounds are same at all times of day, night, weekend vs. weekday, etc. it would be great if they could change to reflect the RT settings.

The other issue is that we're looking at the map from above. When you're on ground IRL you notice weekend is different because of way people behave, dress, and so on. None of that can be seen from up in the air. I think that's the ultimate problem. RT could jump through hoops to make weekend ever more distinct from weekdays, but from up in the air you'd never really "experience" it.

The only thing I can think of would be tweaking the ambient city sounds at weekend, but that's out of scope of RT, IMO. Maybe a fork of the Ambient Sounds Tuner mod that allows different sounds for weekday, weeknight, weekend?

RT would then cause different city sounds during the different times of day. The user would be responsible for installing sound pack mods and choosing which sounds to play at different times.

An option for "None" (no sound) would also be beneficial. For example, residential areas could become silent during sleep time. Farms could have distinct day vs. night sounds, and so on.

I think this would really take the RT effect to a new level, making gameplay more immersive and emphasising the distinction between day/night, and weekday/weekend, where applicable.

In addition, the Ambient Sounds Tuner mod hasn't been updated in ages, it's missing lots of settings for DLCs and even base-game stuff.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Weather could also affect the sounds; for example, people go indoors during rain, so sounds should change.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Potentially, volume of certain sounds could be affected based on city population?

When city is small, some zones (specifically: office, and high density residential/commercial) will get lower volume ambient sounds. As city grows, the volume increases. The max volume (ie. volume set in mod options by user) would occur when city is 750k pop or above.

Result: City gets louder as pop grows.

dymanoid commented 5 years ago

This is indeed something for a new mod. Incorporating all this into Real Time will make it unnecessarily complex. I will introduce a new label "mod suggestion" and mark all related issues with that.