CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Maintenance - Remove all existing Lane Connectors #1646

Closed krzychu124 closed 1 year ago

krzychu124 commented 1 year ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **DanielCoffey** September 4, 2022 Feature Request : Add a new button to the in-game TM:PE Options - Maintenance tab labelled "Remove all existing Lane Connectors". I would like to ask for a way to remove all Lane Connectors from every Node on an existing map. When loading someone else's Save File for an attempt at a City Fix, we often encounter Lane Connector spaghetti. This causes unexpected traffic flow at junctions and roundabouts. Often when a Builder has been struggling with increasing trafic, many Lane Connectors are left all over the map as they try to fix their issues. When needing to start over with the traffic flow, these connectors are a nuisance and can be hard to spot when not zoomed in enough. At the moment the only way to remedy this is to remove the connectors from each Node individually. An automated tool to zap all the Lane Connectors at once would be a much appreciated idea.