CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Default speed limits should be saved generally to the XML #202

Closed VictorPhilipp closed 5 years ago

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

Please, don't have these settings also saved to the game save, it's a real bummer to set up the values when many road types (and tracks as well) are downloaded. When a player decides to have specific values, then the consideration is high that when starting a new game the same values are still to be considered.

So please let these values be saved to either the TMPE_GlobalConfig.xml or to a custom XML, so players also can have a backup of their settings.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

Would this also apply to custom roads which are not included in the vanilla game (such as the NExt2 roads)?

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

i would also see it as a global configuration. once you went through all the roads, you don't want to do it for every save again. also i don't think that ppl play with different speed limits on different maps .. i could be wrong though. could be an option or so.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

@Xyrhenix this is the point - the more custom roads you got, the more (dozens or hundreds) of repeated similar clicking you can avoid if this would be a global setting.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

@DaEgi01 if someone wants to have different settings in another game, create a backup of the XML and edit the values in there.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

With regards to whether or not people would use this per-map, I can see situations where one might intentionally want different defaults per map (leading example being if someone has a map designed to replicate an American city and then one to replicate a British city).

If the intent for this feature request is for it to work with all roads (including modded roads), I would suggest a separate XML file because its length could vary considerably depending on how many roads are installed and actively used. In that could potentially be something like this:


As an idea for implementation: In the default limit editor, have an additional button that's something like "Set global default". This would handle per-road global default setting. In the mod settings panel would then be "Set all global defaults to this save's," which would iterate through all the currently installed roads and write their default speed limits in the currently-loaded save to the global limits XML.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

Since it's actually stated in the options that all the options are save specific, to save people getting confused about this 1 setting that's global, what about an export / import feature instead? Get all your road speeds set, export to a file, then for each new save you can quickly just import your speed file. This would also allow you to have multiple different speed files for different games. You could have one file that just sets all roads to 100 speed units for total madness, one with sensible speeds, one for country specific speeds, and you just import the speed set you want based on the game you intend to play.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

I support that.

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

"Save settings as default for new games" button would be most desirable!

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago


originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Duplicate of #84