CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Speed limit for ferry routes #238

Open sffc opened 5 years ago

sffc commented 5 years ago

If I use IPT2 to increase the max speed of ferries (Mass Transit DLC), the ferries never seem to go much faster than 50 km/h (speed 10). However, they will go slower. This makes me think that the ferry network is imposing a speed limit. When I open up TM:PE, though, I do not see speed limit icons for the ferry network.

Could speed limits for ferry networks be added to TM:PE?

VictorPhilipp commented 5 years ago

Since ferry segments are invisible in general, while activated the speed tool should highlight them somehow.

Referencing #33 and #29

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

I'd like similar feature on ship routes; particularly in areas where ships need to navigate difficult waters (they should speed up to get greater navigational control).

andrewmcgr commented 4 years ago

Blimp paths (for substituting helicopters) and airplane paths too would be great. Basically all invisible networks...

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

If using "helicopter blimps" I've found it better to just alter speed of the helicopter in most cases (with AVO).

For airplanes, we'd probably need to spend some time fixing up the tempremental aircraft AI first.

For ships/ferries, they are also affected by water flow; for example if you slow a ferry or ship down, it struggles to turn against strong flows and can even get pushed off track. There's also an issue that if ships (particularly cargo) are too slow it breaks the AI for some reason (which in turn breaks vehicle spawning).

andrewmcgr commented 4 years ago

AVO doesn't seem to work for this though, as it seems like the blimp path or AI just ignores what speed is set on the vehicle. Is that correct, or does it actually work?

Airplane AI, not so much, it does respond to speed settings... but it is very temperamental, yes.

I've set "helicopter blimps" and airplanes to, say, 300 kph... and the airplanes scream past the helis, even though they should have roughly the same speed.