CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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[Bug] Traffic lights stuck when minimum time is 0 and flow ratio option not default #289

Open brunoais opened 5 years ago

brunoais commented 5 years ago

If I set a few timers for intersections and I set so the minimum time is 0 and skip if the flow is 0, when there's no flow, the count down of the previous state resets. IIRC, I was able to do this 2 versions ago. Possible regression. Using stable version 10.18.

Description short because the mkv and gif shows it all.

Light setup for step2 (3,4 and 5 is basically the same just for the junction to the right) 20190420131620_1

Summary in a gif: ....and stuck

traffic lights I thought a video would show more than images for this specific case. OBS didn't make the traffic lights easy enough to see. Summary is: Making a wave of greens and allowing a traffic light to skip if no traffic. State 1: Make all bottom ones green State 2,3,4: Make green for the side lane and to the right in the bottom road

Player log. I removed references to personal stuff on my machine.

Save game:

Note: I wanted to use some mod that would generate traffic making use of the intersections for this testing but I couldn't find one in a quick enough search.

For now, I'm putting 1s times to deal with this bug.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Hi @brunoais, thanks for the detailed report.

I think they've always worked this way, and there can even be problems when min and max are both set to 1, particularly on the testing mode. Part of the issue is no traffic on the roads, which confuses the wait and flow ratios.

We're planning to do a big update to traffic lights at some point in the future (see tagged issues below) so we'll make sure this issue gets addressed when we do that.

Tagging #8 and #278

Regarding traffic spawner mods, I don't think any exist at the moment.

brunoais commented 5 years ago

@aubergine10 It also happens when there's traffic. Here's (hard to see... blame the recorder) a gif with that. 20190420162158_1


originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Ok, we'll see if we can find and fix the problem when we update the traffic lights code.