CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Time-based parking lanes #335

Open originalfoo opened 5 years ago

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

From Steam user Pierre Poutine:

Timed parking/stopping: Parking lanes could be used as extra travel lanes during rush hour, or as bus lanes, ect. Stopping restrictions to keep taxis from clogging up the works.

I'm not sure if this sort of stuff exists in real life or not, but would be interesting to experiment with. One obvious problem: What if there are still parked cars when the parking lane is opened up to traffic? Shame the game doesn't do tow trucks, otherwise we could send one to collect the car (car becomes a trailer of tow truck) and send it to the impound lol.

CosignCosine commented 5 years ago

Hmm, while I don't think this exists in real life, I do know of parking lanes closed for street cleaning (and double-parking) which would be cool.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

double parking?!

CosignCosine commented 5 years ago

Double parking is when cars illegally park in a driving lane because they're avoiding illegally parking elsewhere, during street cleaning, with fire hydrants, etc (not sure why people do this as it is illegal)

It's especially common in NYC but I've noticed it's less common elsewhere in the US.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Another thing with parking could be paid parking times.

For example, during office hours, many parking areas in UK require drivers to purchase parking ticket (or have a parking permit) and display in windscreen otherwise they get fined or towed.

We could potentially charge vehicles that park in certain areas during day time (eg. treat the parking lanes a bit like a toll lane).

CosignCosine commented 5 years ago

So basically, parked vehicles would incur a per-segment cost? That could be a very cool addition to gameplay. I almost wonder if it would be better as a different mod, though? I would love to have a version of it that adds laneprops for parking meters, etc.