CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
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UI: Pedestrian Tool #40

Open originalfoo opened 5 years ago

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

As per #38, the feature to toggle pedestrian crossings would be moved to it's own tool on the toolbar. This is primarily to reduce UI overload on the Junction Policies tool, but also to create room for some future functionality additions.

The tool serves two main purposes:

  1. Toggle existing pedestrian crossings - at junctions and at transitions between road types
    • Left-clicking an icon (or even the crossing itself?) toggles it
    • Ideally removing/updating decals, as applicable
  2. Add new crossings - at normal nodes between two segments
    • Left-clicking a node adds the crossing, and subsequent left click removes it
    • Similar to: Crossings mod
    • Should I create separate issue for this element, as it would be new feature?

At a later date, I suspect this tool would be extended to create #14 (virtual junctions), maybe by right-clicking or Ctrl+clicking a node?

The tool is essentially about pedestrian features, so I think adding the virtual junctions stuff (which is mostly about pedestrian features anyway) at a later date is in keeping with the concept of the tool.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Toggle existing crossings

The current UI (in junction restrictions) is somewhat clunky, with a big icon floating above the map.

IMO it would be nicer if I could interact with crossings themselves.

To achieve this, an outline (like #33, lane outline, but for crossings) would be drawn around the crossing or just at the end of the segment on which the crossing exists. The user clicks in the outline to toggle the crossing.

The toggle crossing feature should also work with crossings at road-type changes and any crossings manually added at nodes by the user.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Add new crossings

With tool active:

Potentially, these 'user created' crossings could be deleted too, maybe with right click in the crossing outline?

Source code for existing Crossings mod:

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Ideally the tool would handle things like...

Some roads don't have crossing decals; this should be no issue as the UI will be drawing an outline around where the crossing would be (or, ideally, where it is, in the case of roads that do provide crossing decals).

Some roads have things like bevelled/tactile pavement (Urbanists' roads) or road studs (UK Roads Revived).

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Eraser tool

As per #38, there will be an eraser tool on the toolbar.

This needs some ponderance; user might expect eraser to 'erase the crossing' (as in disable it) rather than delete or reset it.

While the Pedestrian Crossings tool is active, user can click the Eraser tool. Then:

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Boformer thinks he may have a way to hide crossing decal per segment, see #27 for details.