CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Better integration with vanilla city/district policies #482

Open originalfoo opened 5 years ago

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

The TM:PE info overlays help with reasoning when making traffic customisation changes. However, there's no visualisation of relevant city/district policies which should also play a part in comprehension of the transit system, transport choices and decision making.

There is also a usability and support aspect to this; users often don't comprehend how their choices are impacting traffic, often resulting in annoying and time consuming "vehicles not spawning" or "services not working" type issues. While incorporating vanilla policies in to our overlays won't eradicate those issues, it will help users make more informed decisions.

Vehicle restrictions overlay:

They are processed by pathfinder as flags on the segments IIRC. We could allow override at segment level?

Transport preferences

These determine what kinds of transport cims prefer to use or must use (and thus what mayor must accommodate). Maybe a new info view that adds a (draggable) panel in bottom-left corner of map? Or temporarily declutter vanilla district icon display to only show relevant icons? Or show icons on relevant buildings? In addition, the cims themselves have personal preferences (which can be overridden by mods) - could we show that on cim info panels?

Transport volumes

These affect volume or flow of traffic, thus affect congestion.


Just mentioning, not sure if there's anywhere we could viably visualise...

But districts already show the icons...

Usually buried amongst numerous other icons for that district. Bad vanilla UI - when everything has focus, nothing does.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Scope creep v1:

Why don't we put the TM:PE policies in to the policies panel? That way users could set them city wide and also per district.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Scope creep v2:

The vanilla policies panel is grim as toast, the categorisation is all wrong and difficult to find stuff.

Why don't we refactor it to be a long list that can be filtered (via drop down) to various categories - one of which would be "Traffic" - and also add a search box to filter to matching strings (note: nightmare if localised)?

Also, the policies can be toggled on or off, but that gives no clue as to what default (citywide setting for the policy) is. Would be nice to have trinary button (off, default, on), or if keeping binary at least find a way to indicate what the city default currently is.

originalfoo commented 5 years ago

Scope creep v3:

Traffic management districts.

People mostly use city districts to depict towns, yet towns are often split in to smaller areas such as residential, CBD, shopping complex, etc.

So I could paint a traffic district over my residential area and use it to override traffic policies for that area.