CitiesSkylinesMods / TMPE

Cities: Skylines Traffic Manager: President Edition
MIT License
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Cannot normally get using game language in 11.0 Third-party local translation. #533

Closed TianQiBuTian closed 4 years ago

TianQiBuTian commented 4 years ago

In 11.0 alpha version, TM:PE Cannot normally get using game language in using Third-party local translation mods.


But can normally in STABLE(10.20) and LABS(10.21.1).


In STABLE(10.20): 20191019162623_1

In LABS(10.21.1): 20191019155632_1

In Alpha(11.0): 20191019153845_1

Also, please review my Simplified Chinese in Crowdin. Because some translation is not correct in 11.0 version.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

TMPE contains it's own translation system - see:

TianQiBuTian commented 4 years ago

Yea. But this is choose same as "Game language", and using local translation mods. It will only display the code. This bug doesn't appear in STABLE and LABS versions. Only 11.0 alpha had this bug.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

I've just tested all the languages in TM:PE and they all work as expected.

The bug is in those translation mods, not TM:PE. The authors of the external translation mods will have to update their mods.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

For reference, here are the changes that were made to TM:PE when we moved to new translation system:

TianQiBuTian commented 4 years ago

I think this bug isn't caused by translation mods, because using translation mods in STABLE and LABS version don't had this bug, only 11.0 alpha version had this bug. Maybe is new translation system doesn't get/load those Third-party translation mods. (idk)

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

I don't think the older versions loaded anything from the translation mods either. The translation mods must be altering TM:PE somehow and seeing as we've altered the translation system those mods are breaking.

Is there any reason the translations aren't just added directly to TM:PE? We can add local/regional dialects, as many languages as desired...

Also, I think @krzychu124 is investigating what those translation mods do to see how they work.

krzychu124 commented 4 years ago

Correction of game language name was missing(in case of using custom language file). PR #534 should fix the issue.

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

It would be better if those mods specified correct language - otherwise they'll break any other mod that has inbuilt localisation (eg. @klyte45 mods).

krzychu124 commented 4 years ago

Mentioned mod is creating new locale file with key zh-cn, CO created locale exporter for modders to help creating new locale files. Game is loading all files with .locale extension from Locale folder so any file which pass validation stage is registered and available in-game "out of the box".

originalfoo commented 4 years ago

I'll push an update to the v11 workshop page later today.