CitiesSkylinesMultiplayer / CSM

Source code for the Cities: Skylines Multiplayer mod (CSM)
MIT License
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Dedicated Server Support #67

Open DominicMaas opened 5 years ago

DominicMaas commented 5 years ago

Can initially act as a relay, passing commands to all connected clients. Will encounter problems with world loading and saving. Dedicated server will have to keep track of the world somehow.

Might not be possible, leaving this here to look into later.

Starystars67 commented 5 years ago

This would be amazing if we can achieve this!

ghost commented 5 years ago

Any news?

We are big fans of your modification.

Big thanks to you.

Could we help you?

apflu commented 5 years ago

Any news?

We are big fans of your modification.

Big thanks to you.

Could we help you?

Just use the pull request if you are able to.