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Quest wont load #1123

Open lolbot opened 12 years ago

lolbot commented 12 years ago

Please help me and tell me why my quest wont load

NPC Quest Koops donator initiated by NPC James (5)

"Koops donator": texts: description: "[&6James&f] I need your help to save koop!
If he doesn't get a donator he will commit suicide!
Will you help me to save him?
&6Quest: Koops donator
&6Objective: Make sure koop doesn't kill himself" acceptance: "[&6James&f] Thank you so much!
He is inside the red house.
Go and tell "I will donate" that will change his mind!" completion: "[&6James&f] Thank you for telling him you will donate.
If you don't donate for real I think he will try to kill himself again..." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: move location location: x: -155 y: 69 z: 980 world: "world" time: 0
leeway: 1 message: "[&cKoop&f]
crying" '1': type: chat string: 'I will donate' message: "[&cKoop&f] R..Rea...Really? I dont know how I can thank. Who send you by the way?
So James did, return to him and tell him I changed my mind." rewards: '0': type: money money: 100