CitizensDev / Citizens

NPCs for Bukkit
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Quest Issue. #1146

Open Badutski opened 11 years ago

Badutski commented 11 years ago

I have made alot of quests for my Questers but when i reloaded the quests it gave me an error (That number is invalid) So i restarted the server and now my Citizens plugin is just broken...

Here is the code Quest10: texts: description: "You have done all my quest.. Continue over to Sir_Patrick" completion: "You gotta find Sir_Patrick" acceptance: "Okay." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: move distance amount: 25 optional: False finishhere: False message: "a voice whispers " rewards: '0': type: item id: 339 amount: 1 take: True

Quest4: texts: description: "Can you get me 2 Bread?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back" repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 297 amount: 2 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give the Bread to TobyTurner" '1': type: collect materialid: 297 amount: 2 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Bread back to Toby!" rewards: '0': type: money money: 15

Quest5: texts: description: "Can you bring me a good story book?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back" repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 340 amount: 1 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '1': type: collect materialid: 340 amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give the Book to TobyTurner" rewards: '0': type: money money: None

Dinner: texts: description: "Are you hungry? Get me some pork ill cook it." completion: "Thanks. Ill start cooking" acceptance: "Sounds like a plan!" repeats: -1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 319 amount: 3 npcdestination: 6 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" rewards: '0': type: item id: 320 amount: 3 take: True

Quest7: texts: description: "Can you bring me a Helm? Im Freezing!" completion: "Thanks! I have restored your health." acceptance: "Sure! Be Right Back." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 314 amount: 1 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '1': type: collect materialid: 314 amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Deliver the Golden Helmet to TobyTurner" rewards: '0': type: health amount:

Quest1: texts: description: "Can you get me 10 leather?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back" repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 334 amount: 10 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '1': type: collect materialid: 334 amount: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Leather back to Toby" rewards: '0': type: money money: 12

Quest2: texts: description: "Can you get me 3 Iron Ore?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money." acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 15 amount: 3 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '1': type: collect materialid: 15 amount: 3 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Iron back to Toby." rewards: '0': type: money money: 20

Quest3: texts: description: "Can you get me 32 Coal?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back" repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 263 amount: 32 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '1': type: collect materialid: 263 amount: 32 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Coal to Toby." rewards: '0': type: money money: 32

Chain4: texts: description: "Move 3 Blocks Backwards." completion: "Congratulations you are now a Member!" acceptance: "Uhh? Okay..." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: move distance amount: 3 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Congratulations you are now a Member!" rewards: '0': type: rank rank: Member

Quest8: texts: description: "I need a house.. can you bring me some Wooden Planks?" completion: "Thanks! heres some spare money." acceptance: "Sure! Be Right Back." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 5 amount: 32 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give Toby the Planks." '1': type: delivery materialid: 5 amount: 32 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" rewards: '0': type: command command: /heal '1': type: command command: /feed

Quest9: texts: description: "I....Im so tire..Zzzz" completion: "ZZzzzz" acceptance: "Uhh Ok? I quess ill bring you a Bed." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 355 amount: 1 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thank you. I can finally Sleep on a Bed" '1': type: collect materialid: 355 amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Bed to TobyTurner" rewards: '0': type: money money: 10

Chain1: texts: description: "Do You Want to Be a Member?" completion: "Okay. Then Do the Quest Chain at Daniel" acceptance: "Yes i do!" repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: move distance amount: 2 optional: False finishhere: True message: "You Have Got to Find Daniel." rewards: '0': type: health amount:

Chain3: texts: description: "Give Daniel Full Leather Armor." completion: "Thank You. Moving On." acceptance: "Do you ever stop Wanting things?! Fine Ill Do It." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 298 amount: 1 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks." '1': type: delivery materialid: 299 amount: 1 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks." '2': type: delivery materialid: 300 amount: 1 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks." '3': type: delivery materialid: 301 amount: 1 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks." rewards: '0': type: quest quest: "Chain4"

Quest6: texts: description: "I feel like writting. Can you bring me Ink?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 351 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Dye back to Toby!" '1': type: delivery materialid: 351 amount: 5 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give Toby the Dye" rewards: '0': type: money money: None

Chain2: texts: description: "Hello. I am Daniel. So you wanna be a member? Then get me 1Diamond 5Iron and 2Gold." completion: "Thanks. Moving on to next quest." acceptance: "That is alot of stuff.. but ill do it" repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 264 amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give the Diamond to Daniel" '1': type: collect materialid: 265 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give the Iron Ingots to Daniel." '2': type: collect materialid: 266 amount: 2 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give the Gold Ingots to Daniel." '1': '0': type: delivery materialid: 264 amount: 1 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Good Job." '1': type: delivery materialid: 266 amount: 2 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks!" '2': type: delivery materialid: 265 amount: 5 npcdestination: 10 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Now Get the Rest." rewards: '0': type: quest quest: "Chain3"

Sir2: texts: description: "Your First Quest is to Kill 1 Zombie." completion: "Good Job." acceptance: "Yes, Sir." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: hunt string: 'zombie' amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Return to Sir_Patrick" rewards: '0': type: item id: 261 amount: 1 take: True '1': type: item id: 262 amount: 10 take: True

Sir3: texts: description: "Now, Ive Given you a bow. go use it on Spiders." completion: "Good Job." acceptance: "Yes, Sir." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: hunt string: 'spider' amount: 3 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Return to Sir_Patrick" rewards: '0': type: item id: 262 amount: 32 take: True

Sir1: texts: description: "Ahh you must be the new Recruit! I was expecting you. Now Move AWAY!" completion: "Welcome to the Training, Recruit" acceptance: "Uhh? Okay..." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: move distance amount: 50 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Go Talk to Sir_Patrick Agian." rewards: '0': type: quest quest: "Sir2"

Sir4: texts: description: "Good Job. Now Bring me Iron Sword." completion: "Thank You." acceptance: "Yes, Sir." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 267 amount: 1 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "About Time....." rewards: '0': type: money money: 10

Sir5: texts: description: "Now Borrow this Sword and go Kill 25 Zombies." completion: "Good Job! To be honest i didnt think you would make it here." acceptance: "Thats alot of Zombies.." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: hunt string: 'zombie' amount: 25 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Return to Sir_Patrick (Dont Forget To Give Him His Sword Back.)" '1': type: delivery materialid: 267 amount: 1 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Thanks." rewards: '0': type: money money: 75

Sir6: texts: description: "Are you ready for the next quest? Then go get me 10 Spider Eyes." completion: "Thank You. This is gonna be some nice soup" acceptance: "Okay." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 375 amount: 10 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Here you go." rewards: '0': type: item id: 282 amount: 2 take: True

Sir7: texts: description: "Well, Recruit. Are you ready for the hard stuff ? Then bring me 4 Ghast Tears 18 Gold Nuggets and 2 BlazeRods." completion: "Thank you, Private " acceptance: "Uhh Thats alot of stuff.. Im on my way." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: delivery materialid: 371 amount: 18 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Here is the Gold Nuggets, Sir." '1': type: delivery materialid: 370 amount: 4 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Here is the Ghast Tears, Sir." '2': type: delivery materialid: 369 amount: 2 npcdestination: 11 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Here is the Blaze Rods, Sir." rewards: '0': type: money money: 150

Sir8: texts: description: "Well, You have done all my quests. Im Sure if you head over to Timmy he will have more." completion: "Go to Timmy" acceptance: "Okay." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: move distance amount: 10 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Remember to find Timmy" rewards: '0': type: item id: 339 amount: 1 take: True

Timmy1: texts: description: "Welcome to my PvP Arena , Patrick said you might stop by. Lets get started, Go Into the pit and Defeat 2Soldiers. (Dummy1 & Dummy2)" completion: "Good Job." acceptance: "Sure." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: player combat string: 'Dummy1, Dummy2' amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Return to Timmy" rewards: '0': type: item id: 272 amount: 1 take: True

Timmy2: texts: description: "Go Defeat Another Soldier. (Dummy3)" completion: "Good Job. Your a fine Soldier." acceptance: "Yes, Sir." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: player combat string: 'Dummy3' amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Return to Timmy" rewards: '0': type: item id: 267 amount: 1 take: True

Timmy3: texts: description: "Ready for another Challenge ? Defeat Dummy4 and Dummy 5" completion: "Bravo." acceptance: "Okay." repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: player combat string: 'Dummy4, Dummy5' amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Return to Timmy" rewards: '0': type: command command: /heal

Timmy4: texts: description: "Now its time to defeat the hardest one. (Soldier)" completion: "Your one of my best recru... Soldiers!" acceptance: "Uh Oh, He Looks Dangerous" repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: player combat string: 'Soldier' amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Return to Timmy" rewards: '0': type: money money: 100

Timmy5: texts: description: "Its Time, You have to kill 5 other players, when done return to me." completion: "Good Job! Hopefully you didnt steal only kill." acceptance: ":( Im not happy about this. But i will do it" repeats: 0 objectives: '0': '0': type: player combat string: '*' amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: True message: "Return to Timmy" rewards: '0': type: money money: 50

Badutski commented 11 years ago

Nevermind, i fixed it. :P Quest6: texts: description: "I feel like writting. Can you bring me Ink?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 351 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Dye back to Toby!" '1': type: delivery materialid: 351 amount: 5 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give Toby the Dye" rewards: '0': type: money money: None

(Working) Quest6: texts: description: "I feel like writting. Can you bring me Ink?" completion: "Thanks! Here is some money" acceptance: "Sure. Be Right Back." repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 351 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bring the Dye back to Toby!" '1': type: delivery materialid: 351 amount: 5 npcdestination: 8 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Give Toby the Dye" rewards: '0': type: money money: 10

Wonkee commented 11 years ago

Use pastebin!