CitizensDev / Citizens

NPCs for Bukkit
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[BUG] Sentry damage #1162

Open jhs232 opened 11 years ago

jhs232 commented 11 years ago

I have been testing Citizens 2.0.1, and it seems, that if you make a Sentry, give it some weapons and stuff, then when it attacks, it will still only deal 1 damage, instead of 15 when it holds a diamond sword (doesn't diamond swords damage 15?) , this also applies for bows and tools. I was also surprised to see that if it had god armor on, it could still be killed by a creeper explosion, this means that armor doesn't give any protection to the sentry. If it's just me not doing this correctly, tell me, but otherwise, please fix this! Thanks in advance! /jhs232

jrbudda commented 11 years ago

Read the wiki.