CitizensDev / Citizens

NPCs for Bukkit
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Impossible to complete a quest in Dev 325? #445

Open Ares513 opened 12 years ago

Ares513 commented 12 years ago

Running CB 1562 and Citizens Dev 325

Cannot complete quests... I have fufilled the rewards and tried 3 seperate configs of the YML file. PLEASE CAN ANYONE HELP? I'VE BEEN AT THIS FOR HOURS. NOBODY IN IRC :(


Stefano: texts: description: "&cPlease help me!" completion: "Here, take this. You seem like you could use it more than me..." acceptance: "Oh thank the Three!" repeats: 1 objectives: '0': '0': type: collect materialid: 341 amount: 1 optional: False finishhere: False message: "You have collected Stefano's necklace!" rewards: '0': type: item id: 267 amount: 1 take: False Here's the only quest I have for an NPC named Stefano.


finallove2 commented 12 years ago

me too. I have same problem.

Mykekeul35 commented 12 years ago

No problems for me ... Craftbukkit build 1566 and Citizens build 327. I'm french so text's quests are in French :D

Bois: texts: description: "Bonjour. Pour cette premiere quete, coupe <2>5 blocs de bois<15> !" completion: "<4>Bravo, tu as accompli la quete avec succes<15>. Voici pour toi une <5>hache de bois<15> !" acceptance: "<14>Tu as accepte la quete<15>. Vas couper du bois !" repeats: -1 objectives: '0': '0': type: destroy block materialid: 17 amount: 5 optional: True finishhere: False message: "Couper 5 morceaux de bois" rewards: '0': type: item id: 271 amount: 1 take: False

And a second quest

admins: texts: description: "Trouve les PNJ des admins" completion: "Bravoo ! Tu sais a quoi les admins ressemblent" acceptance: "Tu as accepte la mission" repeats: -1 objectives: '0': '0': type: move location location: world: 'world' x: -122 y: 63 z: 230 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bravo" rewards: '0': type: item id: 278 amount: 1 take: False '1': type: item id: 277 amount: 1 take: False '2': type: item id: 276 amount: 1 take: False '3': type: item id: 279 amount: 1 take: False '4': type: item id: 293 amount: 1 take: False

finallove2 commented 12 years ago

my case is collect quest. I'm already collect item. but "/quest status" is still not complete.

Mykekeul35 commented 12 years ago

As far as i'm concerned, everything is working. Craftbukkit build 1566 Citizens build 331

Ares513 commented 12 years ago

Ah, I see the problem. I talked to Fullwall over IRC. Collect quests seem to require block destruction statements.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 7:04 AM, Mykekeul35 wrote:

As far as i'm concerned, everything is working. Craftbukkit build 1566 Citizens build 331

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Mykekeul35 commented 12 years ago

This quest is working :D

type: move location

admins: texts: description: "Trouve les PNJ des admins" completion: "Bravoo ! Tu sais a quoi les admins ressemblent" acceptance: "Tu as accepte la mission" repeats: -1 objectives: '0': '0': type: move location location: world: 'world' x: -122 y: 63 z: 230 amount: 5 optional: False finishhere: False message: "Bravo" rewards: '0': type: item id: 278 amount: 1 take: False '1': type: item id: 277 amount: 1 take: False '2': type: item id: 276 amount: 1 take: False '3': type: item id: 279 amount: 1 take: False '4': type: item id: 293 amount: 1 take: False