Citrinate / FreePackages

An ASF plugin for finding and redeeming free Steam games
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Minor error in the documentation #16

Closed woctezuma closed 7 months ago

woctezuma commented 7 months ago

The documentation for the rating has a minor error.

List of Review Scores Review Score | Description | # of Reviews | % of Positive Reviews --- | --- | --- | --- 1 | Overwhelmingly Negative | 500+ | 0%-19% 2 | Very Negative | 50-499 | 0%-19% 3 | Negative | 1-49 | 0%-19% 4 | Mostly Negative | 1-49 | 20%-39% 5 | Mixed | 1-49 | 40%-69% 6 | Mostly Positive | 1-49 | 70%-79% 7 | Positive | 1-49 | 80%-100% 8 | Very Positive | 50-499 | 80%-100% 9 | Overwhelmingly Positive | 500+ | 80%-100%

Indeed, check these two games from the latest Humble Bundle:

Both games have more than 500 reviews, but only one of them has the "Overwhelmingly Positive" rating.

Citrinate commented 7 months ago

Should be accurate now, going off of this chart:

woctezuma commented 7 months ago

Thanks! I see. Here are a few suggestions!

You could remove the number of reviews for:

And set the minimum number of reviews to 10 instead of 1, based on the image linked in your post. With strictly fewer than 10 reviews, I believe there is no rating.

This would result in:

Review Score Description # of Reviews % of Positive Reviews
1 Overwhelmingly Negative 500+ 0%-19%
2 Very Negative 50-499 0%-19%
3 Negative 10-49 0%-19%
4 Mostly Negative - 20%-39%
5 Mixed - 40%-69%
6 Mostly Positive - 70%-79%
7 Positive 10-49 80%-100%
8 Very Positive 50-499 80%-100%
8 Very Positive 500+ 80%-94%
9 Overwhelmingly Positive 500+ 95%-100%
Citrinate commented 7 months ago

Ah yeah, now it should be right. I'll keep the 1-49 though as the 10 review minimum only applies to what's displayed on the store. The plugin can actually see review scores for games with less than 10 reviews.

Here's an example of a game with only 8 steam purchaser reviews and says "Need more user reviews to generate a score" on the store, but has a review_score of 7. I'm assuming this applies to games with as little as 1 review.

woctezuma commented 7 months ago
