Citrinate / FreePackages

An ASF plugin for finding and redeeming free Steam games
Apache License 2.0
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Latest ASF Update Broke FreePackages #25

Closed SpoogLord closed 3 months ago

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

ASF updated today and now I get this error when starting it. Deleting FreePackages fixes the issue


Citrinate commented 3 months ago

Just released V1.4.2 which works with ASF

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

That was interesting to watch, thank you for the quick fix! Gonna test it before I close jic

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

'Tis not fixed milord - it acts like its working for a few minutes then red text and crash (error at 1:03)

Citrinate commented 3 months ago

This might be due to using a non-generic version of ASF

Can you try using V1.4.1?

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

1.4.1 did the same thing, i tried that while you were posting 1.4.2

Citrinate commented 3 months ago

I haven't tried to reproduce this yet, but it looks like it's due to using ASF-win-x64 and not ASF-generic. I don't have a fix for this right now, but I'll try to get to it within a few days.

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

Same error on generic

Citrinate commented 3 months ago

ASF should have a log.txt file in the directory where it's installed. Can you post the contents of the log.txt file from when you were running ASF-generic.

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago


Citrinate commented 3 months ago

ArchiSteamFarm-592|INFO|ASF|InitCore() ArchiSteamFarm V6.0.0.3 (win-x64/3c050fb5aa76443c96dc927a1da3ae0c

I see you're running ASF from a folder called ASF-generic, but the version you're running still seems to be win-x64

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

I downloaded a new copy of asf, the one labeled ASF-generic on the repo

the only thing i copied from my old installation of ASF was the bot config and the plugin

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

wait, I'm realizing i messed something up. let me get back to you on that

SpoogLord commented 3 months ago

Alright, it seems somehow ArchiSteamFarm.cmd from the generic copy was somehow loading my x64 installation? Which idek how that works, they're in completely different folders. But I got it to actually run generic with the plugin, its been 5 minutes without crashing so I'm guessing it works fine on generic. Thank you for the quick support and sorry for being dumb!