Citrinate / FreePackages

An ASF plugin for finding and redeeming free Steam games
Apache License 2.0
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Free Packages Importer userscript "Failed to add packages." #39

Closed renatamer closed 5 days ago

renatamer commented 1 week ago

Current version of the userscript results in "Failed to add packages." while adding packages from SteamDB's Free Packages page.

Using Tampermonkey on Firefox.

woctezuma commented 1 week ago

I cannot reproduce your issue via Free Packages Importer v1.0.0 with Violentmonkey v2.19.0 on Firefox v127.0.2 (64 bits).


Citrinate commented 1 week ago

There should be an error logged to the developer console (Tools > Web Developer > Web Developer Tools or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I), can you post that here? ASF's logs might also have something relevant.

renatamer commented 6 days ago

Hey there, thanks for the assistance!

ASF's logs showed nothing out of the ordinary, but here's the output of the developer console:

Object { readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "content-length: 0\r\ndate: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 06:36:11 GMT\r\n", finalUrl: "http://localhost:1242/Api/FreePackages/ASF/QueueLicenses", status: 404, statusText: "Not Found", DONE: 4, HEADERS_RECEIVED: 2, LOADING: 3, OPENED: 1, UNSENT: 0, … } ​ DONE: 4 ​ HEADERS_RECEIVED: 2 ​ LOADING: 3 ​ OPENED: 1 ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER: "arraybuffer" ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_BLOB: "blob" ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_DOCUMENT: "document" ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_JSON: "json" ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_STREAM: "stream" ​ RESPONSE_TYPE_TEXT: "text" ​ UNSENT: 0 ​ finalUrl: "http://localhost:1242/Api/FreePackages/ASF/QueueLicenses" ​ readyState: 4 ​ responseHeaders: "content-length: 0\r\ndate: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 06:36:11 GMT\r\n" ​ status: 404 ​ statusText: "Not Found"

woctezuma commented 6 days ago

Error 404 Page Not Found. Maybe ensure IPC is enabled.

Citrinate commented 5 days ago

What ASF version and plugin version are you using?

I can only think of two explanations: either you're using an old version of the plugin (pre V1.1.0), or something is blocking requests to that url.

If you are using the latest plugin version, then this sounds like some technical networking problem specific to whatever computer setup you have, and I can't help with that. Though maybe it's being blocked because of the amount of data being sent (assuming you're trying to import everything on SteamDB, which can be more than 25,000 packages). You can test this by running this code from the developer console on SteamDB's free packages page after it's done loading:

document.querySelectorAll(".package:not(:nth-child(-n+11))").forEach(e => e.remove())

This will hide all but the first 10 free packages on SteamDB, after which try adding only those 10 packages using the userscript and see if that works.

renatamer commented 5 days ago

I'm using ASF version and FreePackages version

The code you shared worked! I was able to add those 10 packages. imagen

Also, I'm happy to report I was unable to recreate the problem myself under the original conditions. queuestatus returns the following: imagen