Citrinate / FreePackages

An ASF plugin for finding and redeeming free Steam games
Apache License 2.0
90 stars 2 forks source link

not working on ASF V6.0.4.4 #40

Closed Gensokyo1995 closed 2 weeks ago

Gensokyo1995 commented 2 weeks ago

do you have time to update plugin?

Citrinate commented 2 weeks ago

Can you describe what's not working and provide logs? I'm not seeing any issues with V6.0.4.4

Gensokyo1995 commented 2 weeks ago

Can you describe what's not working and provide logs? I'm not seeing any issues with V6.0.4.4

Sorry, yesterday update to V6.0.4.4,the plugin not working, but now can be used,I don't know what happened thanks

Citrinate commented 2 weeks ago

For anyone who might have a similar issue, while I don't know what the original error was here, I suspect it was something like this:

ERROR|ASF|OnASFInitModules() System.TypeLoadException
   at ASFEnhance.ASFEnhance.OnASFInit(IReadOnlyDictionary`2 additionalConfigProperties)
   at ArchiSteamFarm.Plugins.PluginsCore.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<OnASFInitModules>b__0(IASF plugin)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(IEnumerable`1)
   at ArchiSteamFarm.Core.Utilities.InParallel(IEnumerable`1 tasks)
   at ArchiSteamFarm.Plugins.PluginsCore.OnASFInitModules(IReadOnlyDictionary`2 additionalConfigProperties)

And then every ~15 minutes the error:

48781987 19999981_image

These errors can appear after updating to V6.0.4.4, and are caused an out-of-date version of the ASFEnhance plugin.