Citrinate / giveawayHelper

Enhances Steam Key giveaway sites
MIT License
176 stars 26 forks source link

TypeError: LEVEL_PATTERN.exec(...) is null #32

Closed blue-lightning closed 6 years ago

blue-lightning commented 6 years ago

The latest update from Indiegala broke the script.

Error at line igautoenter.user.js:268:28

giveaways.push(new Giveaway({ id: $(".ticket-right .relative", giveawayDOM).attr("rel"), name: $(".game-img-cont a", giveawayDOM).attr("title"), price: parseInt($(".ticket-price strong", giveawayDOM).text()), minLevel: parseInt(LEVEL_PATTERN.exec(infoText)[1]), owned: undefined, //will be filled in later in setOwned() participants: parseInt(PARTICIPANTS_PATTERN.exec($(".ticket-info-cont .fa.fa-users", giveawayDOM).parent().text())[1]), guaranteed: infoText.indexOf("not guaranteed") === -1, by: $(".ticket-info-cont .steamnick a", giveawayDOM).text(), entered: $(".ticket-right aside", giveawayDOM).length === 0, steamId: steamId, idType: idType, gameId: gameId }));

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

I believe you meant to post this over here: