Citrinate / giveawayHelper

Enhances Steam Key giveaway sites
MIT License
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doesnt seem to work #33

Closed sirus20x6 closed 6 years ago

sirus20x6 commented 6 years ago

doesnt seem to do anything. script says it's running. chrome on linux

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

What is it not doing that you're expecting it to do?

On most sites the script will add a bar to the top of the page. This bar does not appear for, instead the action buttons are added next to each entry as so.

sirus20x6 commented 6 years ago i dont see anything different

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

There's nothing wrong with the image you've posted.

The Twitter action buttons will only appear after you've completed those entries.

The Steam entry in that image isn't a traditional Steam entry, and so there's nothing for the script to do. You technically don't need to join the group they mention to get credit for joining. Entering anything into the text box and hitting "continue" will validate the entry.

However if you lie about joining the Steam group you will be disqualified. The same is also possibly true for deleting Tweets and unfollowing Twitter users.

You can find an example of what Steam group entries typically look like here.