Citrinate / giveawayHelper

Enhances Steam Key giveaway sites
MIT License
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Problem with "" #49

Closed LazenSlay closed 6 years ago

LazenSlay commented 6 years ago

Hi, it worked fine for a couple of weeks but now it just say "Giveaway Helper Error: You must be logged into" (which i am already), so, don't know if it just me or is a problem with the script. Here's a screen of it

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

If there's something wrong with the script, then you should see this error on all of the other giveaway sites the script supports. If you only see it occasionally, then it's probably an issue on Steam's end that will resolve itself after some time.

LazenSlay commented 6 years ago

Just tried "Banana Giveaway" and "" and on both of them got the same error message. Also tried disabling all other chrome extensions but didn't work either.

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

Could you try installing v2.9.0 from here and seeing if that version works?

LazenSlay commented 6 years ago

same result, i installed the script at the end of may, don't remember wich version was back then

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, it should be fixed now in v2.10.1

LazenSlay commented 6 years ago

It seems that now is linking ok with my steam account, but it just doesn't do anything If i do it manually (without entering in any steam group/curator) i can complete this tasks

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

Clicking the buttons the script generates will only cause you to Join or Leave a Steam Group. If there's a button on the site that you also need to click to verify this, the script won't automatically do that for you.

There's nothing wrong with showing that green checkmark without you having joined the groups. The verification actually happens at a later stage, and if you aren't in the necessary groups by then, that's where you'll see an error message.

LazenSlay commented 6 years ago

You're right, i realize i was using 2 different scripts, one was this and other one called " - Auto Solver" but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Thanks mate, cheers from Argentina!

Citrinate commented 6 years ago

I think that this script here will let you skip most of the tasks