City-of-Bloomington / OnBoard

An extensible system to keep track of boards & commissions details, the people appointed to those groups, any legislation they write, and the voting records of each committee member.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Show boards with vacancies on application form #228

Open inghamn opened 6 years ago

inghamn commented 6 years ago

When a user is filling out the application form, there's no indication of which boards are vacant.

On the old city websites /boards/apply, people were trying to show a list of boards with vacancies. It would probably be a good thing to display that list of vacancies on the application form.

charlesbrandt commented 6 years ago

Could we integrate this with the form itself? Currently we have a list of all boards with check boxes next to them. Maybe we could group boards with vacancies at the top of the list followed by those without vacancies. Alternatively, we could add an indication to the list that the board contains a vacancy.

inghamn commented 6 years ago

That a great idea. The form could certainly use some nicer display, anyway.