An extensible system to keep track of boards & commissions details, the people appointed to those groups, any legislation they write, and the voting records of each committee member.
Staff need a way to contact applicants who are interested in serving on boards and commissions. Currently, all the contact information is optional - we leave it up to the applicant to decide what contact information they want to provide.
We want to make it required that applicants provide their email and home address. Many board seats have a requirement of being a city resident. Without their address, staff are not sure if they are a resident or not.
Staff need a way to contact applicants who are interested in serving on boards and commissions. Currently, all the contact information is optional - we leave it up to the applicant to decide what contact information they want to provide.
We want to make it required that applicants provide their email and home address. Many board seats have a requirement of being a city resident. Without their address, staff are not sure if they are a resident or not.