We link to specific services in open311-nodejs by putting the /{group_name}/{service_id} in the URL. This works correctly only during the first attempt. Subsequent attempts continue to send the user to the first-loaded service, rather than what is specified in the new URL.
We link to specific services in open311-nodejs by putting the /{group_name}/{service_id} in the URL. This works correctly only during the first attempt. Subsequent attempts continue to send the user to the first-loaded service, rather than what is specified in the new URL.
https://bloomington.in.gov/ureport/miscellaneous/82 https://bloomington.in.gov/ureport/streets-parking-and-traffic/34 https://bloomington.in.gov/ureport/streets-parking-and-traffic/78 https://bloomington.in.gov/ureport/streets-parking-and-traffic/73