CityBrainChallenge / KDDCup2021-CityBrainChallenge-starter-kit

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Are left-turn traffic permitted when the through direction has green? #28

Closed HaoZhouGT closed 3 years ago

HaoZhouGT commented 3 years ago

Hi I'm wondering if the left-turn traffic permitted when the through direction has green? In other words, when we set traffic light to phase 1 (through for North-South), can those left-turn vehicles find gaps and pass the intersection?


huynhnhathao commented 3 years ago

nah the document said that For example, if an agent is at phase 1, lane_1 and lane_7 along with all right turning lanes are passable., so I don't think that left-turning lanes are passable

HaoZhouGT commented 3 years ago

Thanks for answering but such a setting would be unrealistic though.