CityBrainChallenge / KDDCup2021-CityBrainChallenge-starter-kit

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Questions about the road network #9

Open StevenSuzch opened 3 years ago

StevenSuzch commented 3 years ago
  1. It is noted that only parts of the intersections can be controlled by the submitted Hence, we would like to ask that, for the agents (intersections) that cannot be controlled, are they signalized or not? If signalized, what are their signal plans (fixed time?) If not signalized, what is the car-following strategy in the intersection?

  2. At the second stage of the competition (after 5/1/2021), the agent will be evaluated in a city-scale network. Our question is that can we access the city-scale network and train the agent on that? Or we can just train the agent in a regional traffic.

Thank you very much.

Kanstarry9T commented 3 years ago

For question 1: all uncontrollable intersections are unsignalized. For question 2: in second stage (qualification phase), you are provided with a city-scale road network and the corresponding traffic flow data for training and testing.