Closed cbhernan closed 11 months ago
This is a response I got from an initial password reset attempt, so we know the password requirements the UI should check for.
"details": {
"description": {
"rules": [
"message": "At least %d characters in length",
"format": [
"code": "lengthAtLeast",
"verified": false
"message": "Contain at least %d of the following %d types of characters:",
"code": "containsAtLeast",
"format": [
"items": [
"message": "lower case letters (a-z)",
"code": "lowerCase",
"verified": true
"message": "upper case letters (A-Z)",
"code": "upperCase",
"verified": false
"message": "numbers (i.e. 0-9)",
"code": "numbers",
"verified": false
"message": "special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)",
"code": "specialCharacters",
"verified": false
"verified": false
"verified": false
Passwords must:
Background info
There's a Password Screen that allows users to update their passwords but screen currently does nothing outside of text input validation.
Proposed Solution
Find out what API calls need to be made and implement them so that users can update their password.