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View Plan & View Census Button Colors #8

Open birdsong opened 9 years ago

birdsong commented 9 years ago

Please make these buttons the same color as the light blue links (like the Right To Know Request Form), turning them a darker shade when hoovered over.

majshehab commented 9 years ago

mockup has the background of the boxes in a darker color, which could help the white buttons pop more, as well. what do you think, @birdsong ? screen shot 2014-10-27 at 10 33 00 am

birdsong commented 9 years ago

Yes, I agree that having the top two boxes with a darker background helps differentiate them from the lower row of boxes as well. @gsf

majshehab commented 9 years ago

@gsf no divider background-color: #CECECE; border: 1px solid #bcbbbb;

button: #fff text #333 bg color

(and keep the 3 boxes in "Data" white/ as is)

gsf commented 9 years ago

See the panels now. @majshehab, we had talked about throwing a little of that bluish color in there on the buttons. Thoughts?

Also (and maybe related to the blue), do we want any change on hover?