Closed doorleyr closed 4 years ago
Looks to me like they follow your non-editable roads?
It is being driven by the GEOGRID alright but on closer inspection, it's not being driven by the right property. Instead of being driven by the interactive property, it is making any cell with 'land_use' of None as non-interactive. I'm attaching two screenshots from QGIS: the first is highlighting the cells with interactive=True (all the cells that should be interactive) and the other is highlighting the cells with land_use=None
The FE should be updated such that only cells with interactive=True can be edited.
Yes, that's the case. It's a by product of the way we did it for GB, and the lack of standardization in land uses. In other words, there should not be a case of no-land use and we should only use mapping to trigger interactivity. I can fix it locally but this pings back to @LAAP and Markus work.
I can update the Grasbrook GEOGRID so that all of the cells which are supposed to be non-interactive have the property interactive=False. Then if you change the FE to use this criteria instead, we're done. Even if the mapping were ready, I think the above is the right way to do it, right? I can't see how we could continue to have interactivity driven by the baseline land uses. For example in Corktown, the areas which should be interactive has nothing to do with baseline land uses- it needs to be specified separately: that's why we have the interactive flag.
is this still open or will it be solved with #57 ?
I won't be solved by #57. As I outlined above, the interactivity needs to be driven by the 'interactive' flag.
OK -- currently, the lack of standard data type forces me to render cells per their type (if exist or not). The interactive mapping is also used. As soon as we agree on types standard, we can also agree on the format of the mapping object
There's no need to rely on standards or interactive mappings if we're using the interactive flag as the condition. The interactivity of cells right now is governed by an if statement on line 309 of
if ( this.props.selectedType.class === "buildingsClass" && thisCellProps && thisCellProps.land_use !== "None" )
In my local, I just replaced this with: if ( this.props.selectedType.class === "buildingsClass" && thisCellProps && thisCellProps.interactive == true )
and it works perfectly for Corktown and Grasbrook. To make it work for any other table we just need to make sure the the interactive flag is set correctly in GEOGRID and inherited by GEOGRIDDATA.
@doorleyr true, it's a residue from early version that used non types as flags. Care to PR your change?
closing this given today GH-pages deployment
Interacting with the Corktown grid, there seems to be some grid cells which I'm unable to edit. These cells seem to random. See attachment which shows a vertical line of cells and a horizontal line of cells which I can't edit.