CityWebConsultants / Iris

Modular content management and web application framework built with Node.js and MongoDB
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JSHint fixes #339

Closed FilipNest closed 7 years ago

FilipNest commented 7 years ago

Most of core now passes the JSHint config we have in the project root. There are a few scoping issues I've left in as they scream REFACTOR at me and may break things but most of the fixes are done. Some of the fixes could/will have caused bugs and the scope ones will probably be the cause of some issues we have so the sooner we get this done the better.

Aim is to get everything to pass so we can stick this in Travis and not let any commits through that don't pass.


Obviously this is failing at the moment so I'll work out why and fix it.

FilipNest commented 7 years ago

This fails due to the Node.js version we have on the test system. I started using default function parameters to tidy things up but they only seem to be supported on newer versions. 6.0.0+ I think.

I'll go through and remove them for now but it's really handy so it might be worth upgrading which Node.js version we support so that we can do:

function(hello = "world"){


As it's pretty useful.

Node version 6 becomes the current Long Term Support version in October according to this: