CityWebConsultants / Iris

Modular content management and web application framework built with Node.js and MongoDB
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Expose iris object to parent calling file #394

Closed FilipNest closed 7 years ago

FilipNest commented 7 years ago

Instead of returning undefined, this makes the require("iris") function return a promise that resolves to the actual Iris object of the instance. This is done through re-requiring the file that called it (but stopping a feedback loop from developing).

This is potentially very powerful and might make Iris projects a lot easier to manage (especially the module system).

So you can do stuff like:

  // Normal config
}).then(function (iris) {

  // Modules, hooks etc can all be defined and required here like a normal node.js project


The only new bit is the promise at the end. This pull request shouldn't break any existing code (fingers crossed).

Was planning to do this as part of a major version refactor of lots of core code but it's actually been quite simple to slot in.

Have a play with it. Thoughts and feedback welcome.