CityWebConsultants / Iris

Modular content management and web application framework built with Node.js and MongoDB
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Add Apache Solr integration #67

Closed adam-clarey closed 8 years ago

adam-clarey commented 8 years ago

Requirements for prototype

Basic settings

Create administration page at /admin/config/search/solr

On this page there will be a textbox to add the url to the solr instance similar to

screen shot 2016-02-24 at 15 24 44

This will allow the Iris site to connect to the solr server.

Index settings


This page will track the current index status, ie how many entities are indexed and how many require indexing. For this a configuration file will be required to store which entities have been added/updated since the index last run.

There will be 3 buttons below this info:

Below this there will be a list of checkboxes, this will be a list of entity types. Only the selected entity types will be indexed.

Results page


This will later be extended to create configurable results pages. Results will be listed based on the query paramters eg, /search?entityType:page would list entities of type page.

Search block

This will be a custom block with a form including a textfield and submit button, upon submission the block will redirect to the search page such as /search?keys=Iris if searching for the string 'Iris'.

adam-clarey commented 8 years ago

Available as a contrib module:
