CityofToronto / bdit_congestion

Determining most congested streets and days in Toronto
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create corridors from major arterial to major arterial #48

Closed chmnata closed 1 year ago

chmnata commented 4 years ago

To get all link_dir that are Major arterial, I tried to join them using st_name and UPPER(lf_name)

with centreline as (
SELECT geo_id, lf_name, geom, fcode_desc FROM gis.centreline 
where fcode_desc in ('Major Arterial'))
,here as (                          
select * from here_gis.streets_18_3 
join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id))
select link_id, geo_id, lf_name, st_name, here.geom as here_geom, centreline.geom as centreline_geom, fcode_desc
from centreline
join here on UPPER(lf_name) = st_name

Includes almost everything, just need to add and remove a few streets.

chmnata commented 4 years ago

Include missing street, similar sql was used when creating the initial grid

with centreline as (
 SELECT geo_id, lf_name, geom, fcode_desc FROM gis.centreline 
 where fcode_desc in ('Major Arterial'))
 ,here as (                         
 select * from here_gis.streets_18_3 
 join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id))
 , include as (select link_id, st_name, here.geom 
 from centreline
 join here on UPPER(lf_name) = st_name)

 select link_id, st_name, geom  from include
 SELECT link_id, st_name, geom from here_gis.streets_18_3 
 JOIN here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)


chmnata commented 4 years ago

Using the following sql to find the Major Arterial intersections of centreline

with temp as (select * from (
select from_intersection_id as int_id
from _centreline
where feature_code_desc in ('Major Arterial')
union all
select to_intersection_id as int_id
from _centreline
where feature_code_desc in ('Major Arterial'))a
group by int_id
having count(int_id)>2)
, cul as (
select * from (
select from_intersection_id as int_id
from _centreline
where feature_code_desc in ('Major Arterial')
union all
select to_intersection_id as int_id
from _centreline
where feature_code_desc in ('Major Arterial'))a
group by int_id
having count(int_id)=1)

select * from gis.centreline_intersection 
inner join (select * from temp 
            select * from cul )a using(int_id)
chmnata commented 4 years ago

However, to find the here equivalent nodes with this sql will not return all necessary nodes, as streets with medians will only have the closest node returned.

SELECT centreline_int.int_id::integer AS int,
   FROM centreline_int
            z.geom AS node_geom
           FROM here_gis.zlevels_18_3 z
            inner join congestion.corridor_routing using (link_id)
          ORDER BY (z.geom <-> centreline_int.geom)
         LIMIT 1) nodes;

One approach is to find all here intersections with congestion.corridor_routing and then filter it with a buffer of centreline's intersection.

chmnata commented 4 years ago

Cleaned congestion.corridor_routing in congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned. Now we can get a more accurate sets of here intersection with

with int as (
    select * from (                                                                        
    select ref_in_id from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)a
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
    union all
    select nref_in_id  from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)b
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
group by ref_in_id                                          
having count(ref_in_id) >=3 or count(ref_in_id) = 1)
select distinct ref_in_id, geom 
from int inner join here_gis.zlevels_18_3 on node_id = ref_in_id

Would ideally also clean the intersection a little bit, or I could just the merging function to merge "smaller" up to a certain length, though this might mess up corridors in downtown.

-- updated sql that includes 2 additional intersections with count(ref_in_id) = 2
with int as (
    select * from (                                                                        
    select ref_in_id from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)a
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
    union all
    select nref_in_id  from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)b
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
group by ref_in_id                                          
having count(ref_in_id) >=3 or count(ref_in_id) = 1 )
select distinct ref_in_id, geom 
from int inner join here_gis.zlevels_18_3 on node_id = ref_in_id
union all
select node_id, geom
from here_gis.zlevels_18_3 where node_id in (30326082,30362000)
chmnata commented 4 years ago

trying to route with this

with int as (
    select * from (                                                                        
    select ref_in_id from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)a
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
    union all
    select nref_in_id  from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)b
    inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
group by ref_in_id                                          
having count(ref_in_id) >=3 or count(ref_in_id) = 1 )
, int_set as (select distinct ref_in_id, geom 
from int inner join here_gis.zlevels_18_3 on node_id = ref_in_id
union all
select node_id, geom
from here_gis.zlevels_18_3 where node_id in (30326082,30362000))
,int_node as (
select array_agg(ref_in_id::int) as ints from int_set
), results as(
SELECT * from int_node
, lateral pgr_dijkstra('SELECT id, source::int, target::int, length::int as cost FROM congestion.routing_grid',ints,ints ) results
INNER JOIN congestion.routing_grid ON id = edge
ORDER BY start_vid, end_vid, path_seq)
SELECT start_vid, end_vid, array_agg(node) as node_set, array_agg(id) as link_set, ST_LINEMERGE(ST_UNION(results.geom)) as geom,
    ST_length(ST_transform(ST_LINEMERGE(ST_UNION(results.geom)), 2952)) as length
    INTO congestion.route_corridor 
FROM results
LEFT OUTER JOIN here_int ON node = ref_in_id AND node != start_vid
GROUP BY start_vid, end_vid
HAVING COUNT(ref_in_id) = 0
chmnata commented 4 years ago

trying to route with this

with int as (
  select * from (                                                                        
  select ref_in_id from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)a
  inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
  union all
  select nref_in_id  from (select distinct link_id from congestion.corridor_routing_cleaned)b
  inner join here_gis.streets_att_18_3 using (link_id)
group by ref_in_id                                            
having count(ref_in_id) >=3 or count(ref_in_id) = 1   )
, int_set as (select distinct ref_in_id, geom 
from int inner join here_gis.zlevels_18_3 on node_id = ref_in_id
union all
select node_id, geom
from here_gis.zlevels_18_3 where node_id in (30326082,30362000))
,int_node as (
select array_agg(ref_in_id::int) as ints from int_set
), results as(
SELECT * from int_node
, lateral pgr_dijkstra('SELECT id, source::int, target::int, length::int as cost FROM congestion.routing_grid',ints,ints ) results
INNER JOIN congestion.routing_grid ON id = edge
ORDER BY start_vid, end_vid, path_seq)
SELECT start_vid, end_vid, array_agg(node) as node_set, array_agg(id) as link_set, ST_LINEMERGE(ST_UNION(results.geom)) as geom,
  ST_length(ST_transform(ST_LINEMERGE(ST_UNION(results.geom)), 2952)) as length
  INTO congestion.route_corridor 
FROM results
LEFT OUTER JOIN here_int ON node = ref_in_id AND node != start_vid
GROUP BY start_vid, end_vid
HAVING COUNT(ref_in_id) = 0
ERROR:  invalid memory alloc request size 2971266928
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function pgr_dijkstra(text,anyarray,anyarray,boolean) line 3 at RETURN QUERY
SQL state: XX000


chmnata commented 4 years ago

corridor routing result image

chmnata commented 4 years ago

Cleaned up version, image lookup in congestion.corridors_v1_merged_lookup corridor's geom and length in congestion.corridors_v1_merged