Open chmnata opened 4 years ago
There are 4254/38866 links affected (11%) in congestion.segment_links_v5
, a total of 478 km.
WITH traffic_link_dirs_19_4 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
,traffic_link_dirs_18_3 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B']))
select segment_id, link_dir
from (select * from congestion.segment_links_v5 inner join traffic_link_dirs_18_3 using (link_dir)) old
left join traffic_link_dirs_19_4 here using (link_dir)
where here.link_dir is null
and as a result, 3391/13126 (26%) segments in congestion.segments_v5
are affected
Wondering if we can find the corresponding new link_dir
using SharedStreets.
I think the numbers are wrong because I made a mistake when creating routing_streets
, the materialized view uses the old nodes layer.
See my previous analysis where I estimated 2-3% missing links
ran this json through sharedstreets with --follow-line-direction
, --snap-intersection
and planet-180430
Resulted in a 93% match rate
"\COPY (SELECT jsonb_build_object('type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', jsonb_agg(feature))FROM (SELECT jsonb_build_object('type', 'Feature', 'id', link_dir, 'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(geom)::jsonb, 'properties', to_jsonb(row) - 'id' - 'geom')AS feature FROM (select link_dir, geom from ( SELECT traffic_streets_18_3.link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir,
(to_char(traffic_streets_18_3.link_id, '0000000000'::text) || '0'::text)::bigint AS id,
traffic_streets_18_3.ref_in_id AS source,
traffic_streets_18_3.nref_in_id AS target,
st_length(st_transform(streets_18_3.geom, 3857)) AS length,
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4 traffic_streets_18_3
JOIN here_gis.streets_19_4 streets_18_3 USING (link_id)
WHERE traffic_streets_18_3.dir_travel in ('F', 'B')
SELECT traffic_streets_18_3.link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir,
(to_char(traffic_streets_18_3.link_id, '0000000000'::text) || '1'::text)::bigint AS id,
traffic_streets_18_3.nref_in_id AS source,
traffic_streets_18_3.ref_in_id AS target,
st_length(st_transform(streets_18_3.geom, 3857)) AS length,
st_reverse(streets_18_3.geom) AS geom
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4 traffic_streets_18_3
JOIN here_gis.streets_19_4 streets_18_3 USING (link_id)
WHERE traffic_streets_18_3.dir_travel in ('T', 'B')
) streets ) row) features ) TO 'here_19_4.json'"
There are 63 links in here_18_3 that were failed to match through sharedstreets
WITH traffic_link_dirs_19_4 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
,traffic_link_dirs_18_3 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B']))
, missing_link as (
select segment_id, link_dir
from (select * from congestion.segment_links_v5 inner join traffic_link_dirs_18_3 using (link_dir)) old
left join traffic_link_dirs_19_4 here using (link_dir)
where here.link_dir is null)
select * from missing_link left join here_matched_180430 on pp_link_dir = link_dir
where pp_link_dir is null
There are a total of 4180/4254 (98%) links that can be join with sharedstreets in here_18_3 and here_19_4
WITH traffic_link_dirs_19_4 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
,traffic_link_dirs_18_3 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B']))
, missing_link as (
select segment_id, link_dir
from (select * from congestion.segment_links_v5 inner join traffic_link_dirs_18_3 using (link_dir)) old
left join traffic_link_dirs_19_4 here using (link_dir)
where here.link_dir is null)
, here_18 as (
select * from missing_link
left join here_matched_180430 on here_matched_180430.pp_link_dir = link_dir
where here_matched_180430.pp_link_dir is not null)
select count(distinct link_dir)
from here_18
inner join natalie.here_19_4_matched on "shstReferenceId" = shstreferenceid
These are the links (74) that were not able to join using sharedstreets
Since here links are usually shorter than an intersection defined by osm, multiple different links can be match with the same shstreferenceid
(the unique identifier for each intersection), this makes matching here_18_3 and here_19_4 harder as we can't just join shstreferenceid
. There is a start and end node column for each returned geometry but it might require some recursive joins to find out where these nodes are on a shstreferenceid
. @radumas suggested that we can make our own section column with ST_linelocatepoint()
Sample sql of what that looks like
with target as (
select * from here_matched_180430 where "shstReferenceId" = '7789ab543373ae19f714da7e708eae1f'
,toronto_network as (
select reference_id, geom as full_geom, street_name, direction from gis_shared_streets.toronto_network_reference)
select pp_link_dir as link_dir, reference_id, array[round(ST_linelocatepoint(full_geom, ST_startpoint(geom))::numeric, 2),
round(ST_linelocatepoint(full_geom, ST_endpoint(geom))::numeric,2)] as section, geom, full_geom from target
inner join toronto_network on reference_id = "shstReferenceId"
, returns
I will go ahead and do this for both here_18_3 and here_19_4
Created function gis_shared_streets.create_section
for adding section column
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gis_shared_streets.create_section(_tablename text, _referencecolumn text)
AS $$
EXECUTE FORMAT('ALTER TABLE %I ADD COLUMN section numrange', _tablename);
SET section = section1
from (
select id as pid, case
when ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_endpoint(new.geom))::numeric = 0 and
ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_startpoint(new.geom))::numeric >
ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_endpoint(new.geom))::numeric
then numrange(round(ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_startpoint(new.geom))::numeric, 2),1.00)
when ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_startpoint(new.geom))::numeric >
ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_endpoint(new.geom))::numeric and
ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_endpoint(new.geom))::numeric !=0
then null
numrange(round(ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_startpoint(new.geom))::numeric, 2),
round(ST_linelocatepoint(network.geom, ST_endpoint(new.geom))::numeric,2)) end as section1
from %I new
inner join gis_shared_streets.toronto_network_reference network on reference_id = %I )temp
where pid = id '
, _tablename, _tablename, _referencecolumn);
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Result of joining two sharedstreets table with shstreferenceid
and section
WITH traffic_link_dirs_19_4 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
,traffic_link_dirs_18_3 AS(
SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B']))
, missing_link as (
select segment_id, link_dir
from (select * from congestion.segment_links_v5 inner join traffic_link_dirs_18_3 using (link_dir)) old
left join traffic_link_dirs_19_4 here using (link_dir)
where here.link_dir is null)
, here_18 as (
select * from missing_link
left join here_matched_180430 on here_matched_180430.pp_link_dir = link_dir
where here_matched_180430.pp_link_dir is not null)
select segment_id, link_dir, here_19_4_matched.pp_link_dir, here_18.geom, here_19_4_matched.geom, here_18.section, here_19_4_matched.section
from here_18
inner join natalie.here_19_4_matched on "shstReferenceId" = shstreferenceid and (here_18.section <@ here_19_4_matched.section
or here_19_4_matched.section <@ here_18.section)
Blue line showing the links that cannot be joined with sharedstreets, 4160/4254 (97.8%) can be joined
Total length of the network segments_v5
: 2,769 km
Total length of retired links: 478.3 km
Total length of unmatched links: 9.7 km
Unmatched links account for 0.35% of the total network length
Total VKT of the entire network: 60,626,387 km Total VKT of unmatched links: 43,221 km Unmatched links account for 0.07% of the total VKT of the network
Red line representing all unmatched links over the segments_v5
network. Mostly at intersections and ramps.
The refreshed here map
has updated links and geometry, how does this effect our current usage of the congestion gridcongestion.segments_v5