CityofToronto / bdit_data-sources

Data sources used by the Big Data Innovation Team
GNU General Public License v3.0
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HERE Data Refresh #285

Closed radumas closed 3 years ago

radumas commented 4 years ago

On March 24th the map is updated to 2019Q4 and data will be refreshed. Need to clarify how far back data will be refreshed. Assuming Jan 2019 for now.

radumas commented 4 years ago

created a Python function that will backup a partitioned table month to a zipped file in a temporary directory and then will copy that zipped file to s3

def backup_to_s3_month(con, month, s3):
    '''Backup a month of ta data to specified s3
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
        #backup month data to compressed file
        copy_query = sql.SQL("COPY here.{} TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT 'csv', HEADER TRUE)")
        #compress results of the copy command to a file in the compressed directory
        data_file_path = 'here_{}.csv.gz'.format(month)

        with gzip.GzipFile(filename=data_file_path, mode='w') as data_file:
            with con.cursor() as cur:
                cur.copy_expert(copy_query.format(sql.Identifier('ta_'+month)), data_file)      
        #copy file to s3 bucket
        subprocess.check_call(['aws','s3','cp',data_file_path, s3])
radumas commented 4 years ago

Comparing the difference in the number of links and the amount they match between versions of the map

Using routing streets

These are directional, filtered to actually be navigable by auto, and have some other processing for routing

SELECT COUNT(nu.link_dir) new_links, COUNT(ole.link_dir) ole_links,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir = nu.link_dir THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir IS NOT NULL AND  nu.link_dir IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_not_new,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir IS NULL AND nu.link_dir IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_not_old
FROM here.routing_streets_18_3 ole
FULL OUTER JOIN  here.routing_streets_19_4 nu on nu.link_dir = ole.link_dir
new_links ole_links matches old_not_new new_not_old
140,765 120,727 108,446 12,281 32,319


If we look at all links however (not directional)

SELECT COUNT(nu.link_id) new_links, COUNT(ole.link_id) ole_links,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id = nu.link_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id IS NOT NULL AND  nu.link_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_not_new,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id IS NULL AND nu.link_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_not_old
FROM here_gis.streets_18_3 ole
FULL OUTER JOIN  here_gis.streets_19_4 nu on nu.link_id = ole.link_id
new_links ole_links matches old_not_new new_not_old
161,588 94,950 86,419 8,531 75,169

Traffic Streets

And if we look at "traffic streets", filtered to be paved and allowing cars and traffic

SELECT COUNT(nu.link_id) new_links, COUNT(ole.link_id) ole_links,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id = nu.link_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id IS NOT NULL AND  nu.link_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_not_new,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_id IS NULL AND nu.link_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_not_old
FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3 ole
FULL OUTER JOIN  here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4 nu on nu.link_id = ole.link_id
new_links ole_links matches old_not_new new_not_old
76,734 66,290 59,791 6,499 16,943

Traffic_streets taking into account direction of travel

WITH traffic_link_dirs_19_4 AS(
    SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
    FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
    WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
    SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
    FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_19_4
    WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
    ,traffic_link_dirs_18_3 AS(
    SELECT link_id || 'F'::text AS link_dir
    FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
    WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['F', 'B'])
    SELECT link_id || 'T'::text AS link_dir
    FROM here_gis.traffic_streets_18_3
    WHERE dir_travel = ANY (ARRAY['T', 'B'])
SELECT COUNT(nu.link_dir) new_links, COUNT(ole.link_dir) ole_links,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir = nu.link_dir THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir IS NOT NULL AND  nu.link_dir IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_not_new,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.link_dir IS NULL AND nu.link_dir IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_not_old
FROM traffic_link_dirs_18_3 ole
FULL OUTER JOIN  traffic_link_dirs_19_4 nu on nu.link_dir = ole.link_dir
new_link_dirs ole_link_dirs matches old_not_new new_not_old
141,022 120,980 108,643 12,337 32,379


I forgot that nodes are not unique on node_id, they also have a link_id field.

SELECT COUNT(nu.node_id) new_nodes, COUNT(ole.node_id) ole_nodes,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.node_id = nu.node_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS matches,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.node_id IS NOT NULL AND  nu.node_id IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS old_not_new,
SUM(CASE WHEN ole.node_id IS NULL AND nu.node_id IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS new_not_old
FROM here_gis.zlevels_18_3 ole
FULL OUTER JOIN  here_gis.zlevels_19_4 nu on nu.node_id = ole.node_id AND nu.link_id = ole.link_id
WHERE (ole.node_id IS NOT NULL AND ole.intrsect = 'Y') OR
(nu.node_id IS NOT NULL AND nu.intrsect = 'Y');
new_nodes ole_nodes matches old_not_new new_not_old
322,883 189,695 172,367 17,328 150,516
radumas commented 4 years ago

2019 data

ALTER TABLE here.ta_201901 RENAME TO ta_201901_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201901_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201902 RENAME TO ta_201902_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201902_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201903 RENAME TO ta_201903_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201903_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201904 RENAME TO ta_201904_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201904_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201905 RENAME TO ta_201905_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201905_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201906 RENAME TO ta_201906_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201906_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201907 RENAME TO ta_201907_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201907_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201908 RENAME TO ta_201908_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201908_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201909 RENAME TO ta_201909_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201909_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201910 RENAME TO ta_201910_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201910_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201911 RENAME TO ta_201911_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201911_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
ALTER TABLE here.ta_201912 RENAME TO ta_201912_old; ALTER TABLE here.ta_201912_old NO INHERIT here.ta;
DO $do$
    startdate DATE;
    yyyymm TEXT;
    basetablename TEXT := 'ta_';
    tablename TEXT;
    yyyy INT := 2019;

        FOR mm IN 01..12 LOOP
            startdate:= to_date(yyyy||'-'||mm||'-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
            IF mm < 10 THEN
                yyyymm:= yyyy||'0'||mm;
                yyyymm:= yyyy||''||mm;
            END IF;
            tablename:= basetablename||yyyymm;
            EXECUTE format($$CREATE TABLE here.%I 
                (CHECK (tx >= DATE '$$||startdate ||$$'AND tx < DATE '$$||startdate ||$$'+ INTERVAL '1 month'),
                UNIQUE(link_dir, tx)
                ) INHERITS (here.ta);
                ALTER TABLE here.%I OWNER TO here_admins;
                , tablename, tablename);
            PERFORM here.create_link_dir_idx(tablename);
            PERFORM here.create_tx_idx(tablename);
        END LOOP;
$do$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
radumas commented 4 years ago

The routing streets issue was a simple bug 😭, edited the number in the table above ☝️

radumas commented 4 years ago

Hmm, if I create a routing table with ar_pedest = 'Y' the number of links for 19_4 is 314,762