Closed radumas closed 2 years ago
So far I have not worked with the miovision data stored on the RDS. Joven has some scripts that read in bicycle data which I will need later, so I will make sure not to do anything until the refresh is complete.
Backed up materialized views required by covid webapp, and commented out the refresh Miovision operator in the relevant DAG. Ready to TRUNCATE miovision_api.volumes CASCADE
Thanks @cczhu, that was my only concern. Nothing else to add here - an estimate on duration of the refresh once you have an idea would be helpful.
Thank you!
Performed TRUNCATE miovision_api.volumes CASCADE;
. Now running
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-01-01 --end_date 2020-09-23 --pull &> log_refresh_2020.txt
2020 data refresh complete. Checking for gaps between the last timestamp of the day and 23:59 using Aakash's query (from here):
SELECT intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ('23:59'::time without time zone - MAX(datetime_bin::time without time zone)))/60/(60*24) AS time_missing
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE classification_uid = 1
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date
SELECT date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)::date AS mth, AVG(time_missing) * 100 AS pct_missing
GROUP BY date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)
ORDER BY date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)
Month | Percent |
2020-01 | 0.25462962962963 |
2020-02 | 0.0900725764644894 |
2020-03 | 0.142882187938289 |
2020-04 | 0.223149492017417 |
2020-05 | 0.0152914134330684 |
2020-06 | 0.0155976792242887 |
2020-07 | 0.065116189596799 |
2020-08 | 0.0250311672120929 |
2020-09 | 4.38301779433064 |
Except for September, these numbers are all tiny. In September we only have partial data on 2020-09-23 because the data was refreshed on that day. For every other day, the difference between the last timestamp and 23:59 is within a few seconds of zero.
Is September bumped up only because yesterday's data was pulled using the old method?
Is September bumped up only because yesterday's data was pulled using the old method?
Yes. Sorry, posted before I finished commenting.
Sweet looks like the problem was solved!
SELECT datetime_bin::date, COUNT(*)
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE classification_uid = 0
GROUP BY datetime_bin::date;
Returns 1136 entries from 2020-09-22, because the Miovision update pipeline ran last night. Dropping data from 2020-09-22 using
DELETE FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin >= '2020-09-22 00:00:00';
and rerunning the puller with
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-09-22 --end_date 2020-09-23 --pull &> log_refresh_2020_09_22.txt
Checking population breakdown by class:
SELECT classification_uid, COUNT(*) n_class
FROM miovision_api.volumes
GROUP BY classification_uid
classification_uid | n_class |
1 | 33891301 |
2 | 4879887 |
3 | 4184999 |
4 | 2548066 |
5 | 121103 |
6 | 22460279 |
9 | 161986 |
Seems like it comes from legitimate data.
SELECT intersection_uid,
datetime_bin::date date_bin,
COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) / (60. * 24) frac_complete_data
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin >= '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date
shows most intersections have more than 90% of data per day. We can modify the above to
SELECT intersection_uid,
datetime_bin::date date_bin,
COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) / (60. * 24) frac_complete_data
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin >= '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) / (60. * 24) < 0.9
which shows there's no regular pattern of missing data consistent across multiple intersections, but there are definitely days for many intersections where more than a third of data is missing (even excluding the first and last days each station were operational). Since cameras go down and whatnot, this is expected.
Running 2019 update using
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2019-01-01 --end_date 2019-12-31 --pull &> log_refresh_2019.txt
Checks for 2019 data refresh
SELECT intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ('23:59'::time without time zone - MAX(datetime_bin::time without time zone)))/60/(60*24) AS time_missing
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE classification_uid = 1 AND datetime_bin < '2020-01-01 00:00:00'
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date
SELECT date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)::date AS mth, AVG(time_missing) * 100 AS pct_missing
GROUP BY date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)
ORDER BY date_trunc('month', datetime_bin)
Month | Percent |
2019-01-01 | 0.42903213042102 |
2019-02-01 | 0.207779549884813 |
2019-03-01 | 0.750734214390602 |
2019-04-01 | 0.00140901771336554 |
2019-05-01 | 0.498967586099424 |
2019-06-01 | 0.000100644122383253 |
2019-07-01 | 0.0847358578775129 |
2019-08-01 | 0.206282231598687 |
2019-09-01 | 0.68001171352075 |
2019-10-01 | 0.134917725643532 |
2019-11-01 | 0.00021043771043771 |
2019-12-01 | 0.747790404040404 |
which looks legit - less than 1% data dropout for all of 2019.
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE classification_uid = 0
returns 0 rows (this also checks 2020 and today's refresh).
SELECT classification_uid, COUNT(*) n_class
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin < '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY classification_uid
classification_uid | n_class |
1 | 56592454 |
2 | 4017079 |
3 | 3375005 |
4 | 3117807 |
5 | 156800 |
6 | 40014068 |
9 | 2559674 |
which is a surprising number of generic motorized vehicles, though might make sense if streetcar detections have all been moved there.
SELECT intersection_uid,
datetime_bin::date date_bin,
COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) / (60. * 24) frac_complete_data
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin < '2020-01-01'
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin::date
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT datetime_bin) / (60. * 24) < 0.9
does lead to a bunch of days with less than 90% of all timestamps represented. I don't see any regular pattern of missing data across different intersections and months, though, like we'd expect if we were missing eg. the last hour of each 6 hour block. In a few cases (eg. intersection_uid = 6
for January 2019) I did spot checks to make sure every hour was represented on most days, and this was the case.
Just to remind myself later, the best practice for truncating derived views is
TRUNCATE miovision_api.volumes_15min, miovision_api.volumes_15min_tmc, miovision_api.volumes_tmc_atr_xover, miovision_api.report_dates, miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps;
To compare our newly pulled data against historical processed data, we saved the Miovision summary tables from the COVID webapp under covid.miovision_summary_20200922backup
. Then, using intersection_tmc.process_data
, created 15-minute binned data for the same intersections within 03 - Postprocessing Smoke Test.ipynb
. Finally, created a script to aggregate the 15-minute data to hourly data. Some results:
The blue line is for timestamps where there is data in both covid.miovision_summary_20200922backup
and in the new hourly data, and represents the difference (new - old) of the datasets. For timestamps where there's data in the new view, but nothing in 202009022backup, or vice versa, I plot them as points and assume the missing data is 0. This means that all green points are always positive and orange points are always negative (since we use new - old, and there is no new data so new = 0).
On a typical day where we have new and old data, the difference between them peaks in the middle of the day with a peak amplitude of around 50:
This indicates either that more rows have been pulled from the database in the new data refresh, or some data was pulled.
On April 3 from 18:00 - 24:00 there's a large drop in new volumes:
This doesn't correspond to an HTTP error in the download logs, and an attempt at re-pulling the data using:
import psycopg2
import math
import pytz
import datetime
from requests import Session
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import configparser
import sys
import intersection_tmc as itmc
# Grab Postgres and Miovision credentials.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'.charlesconfig').as_posix())
postgres_settings = config['POSTGRES']
miov_token = config['MIOVISION']['key']
local_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
url = ''
tmc_endpoint = '/tmc'
with psycopg2.connect(database='bigdata', **postgres_settings) as conn:
df_intcodes = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM miovision_api.intersections", con=conn)
intcode_lookup = dict(zip(df_intcodes['intersection_uid'], df_intcodes['id']))
# Generator for cycling through 6-hour time blocks.
def timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
for i in range(math.ceil((end_time - start_time) / dt)):
c_start = start_time + i * dt
c_end = min(c_start + dt, end_time)
yield (c_start, c_end)
# As above, but uses directly.
def get_intersection_tmc_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
tmc_all = []
intersection_id = intcode_lookup[intersection_uid]
for (c_start_t, c_end_t) in timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
params = {'endTime': c_end_t, 'startTime' : c_start_t}
tmc = itmc.get_intersection_tmc(c_start_t, c_end_t, intersection_id,
intersection_uid, miov_token)
tmc_all += tmc
return tmc_all
def pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
raw_tmc = get_intersection_tmc_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
raw_tmc = pd.DataFrame(
raw_tmc,columns=['intersection_uid', 'datetime_bin', 'classification_uid',
'leg', 'movement', 'volume'])
raw_tmc["classification_uid"] = raw_tmc["classification_uid"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["movement"] = raw_tmc["movement"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["volume"] = raw_tmc["volume"].astype(int)
return raw_tmc
start_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 3, 19, 0, 0))
end_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 3, 20, 0, 0))
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
intersection_uid = 26
raw_tmc = pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
leads to a count of 882, vs. 281 if we just sum up the raw volumes using
SELECT SUM(volume) FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-04-03 19:00' AND '2020-04-03 19:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 1
Almost all cases where there's only data in the new dataset come from between 03:00 and 05:00, with one exception at 23:00. Meanwhile, all cases where there's only data in the old dataset are during high-volume hours, sometimes in the middle of the day.
A scan of a few of these suggest they're mainly due to the gap finding algorithm. On April 23, there's a gap of data between 11:25 and 16:00, which led to the algorithm masking out 11:00 - 17:15. This can be seen by looking at the volume_15min_tmc_uid
column of this query:
SELECT * FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-04-23 10:00' AND '2020-04-23 17:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 1
ORDER BY datetime_bin
On April 26 there's a gap between 15-minute data between 12:00 and 14:00, but there's no corresponding gap in the minute-data:
SELECT * FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-04-26 11:00' AND '2020-04-26 13:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 1
ORDER BY datetime_bin
For intersection_uid = 18
we see similar patterns as in Richmond / Bathurst for light autos.
Switching to pedestrians, we get some strange results:
From March 6 06:00 - 12:00 we see a massive drop in pedestrian volume. Going back to the source data, summing up those six hours from the old data
SELECT SUM(volume_actual) FROM covid.miovision_summary_20200922backup
WHERE intersection_uid = 18 AND class_type = 'Pedestrians'
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-12 06:00' AND '2020-03-12 11:59'
gives 12147, but
SELECT SUM(volume) FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 18
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-12 06:00' AND '2020-03-12 11:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
gives only 3976. This anomaly seems to be in the new volumes, since summing up volumes from 1 day earlier
SELECT SUM(volume) FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 18
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-11 06:00' AND '2020-03-11 11:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
gives 12638.
Pulling directly from the API:
import psycopg2
import math
import pytz
import datetime
from requests import Session
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import configparser
import sys
import intersection_tmc as itmc
# Grab Postgres and Miovision credentials.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'.charlesconfig').as_posix())
postgres_settings = config['POSTGRES']
miov_token = config['MIOVISION']['key']
local_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
url = ''
tmc_endpoint = '/tmc'
with psycopg2.connect(database='bigdata', **postgres_settings) as conn:
df_intcodes = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM miovision_api.intersections", con=conn)
intcode_lookup = dict(zip(df_intcodes['intersection_uid'], df_intcodes['id']))
# Generator for cycling through 6-hour time blocks.
def timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
for i in range(math.ceil((end_time - start_time) / dt)):
c_start = start_time + i * dt
c_end = min(c_start + dt, end_time)
yield (c_start, c_end)
# As above, but uses directly.
def get_ped_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
tmc_all = []
intersection_id = intcode_lookup[intersection_uid]
for (c_start_t, c_end_t) in timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
params = {'endTime': c_end_t, 'startTime' : c_start_t}
tmc = itmc.get_pedestrian(c_start_t, c_end_t, intersection_id,
intersection_uid, miov_token)
tmc_all += tmc
return tmc_all
def pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
raw_tmc = get_ped_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
raw_tmc = pd.DataFrame(
raw_tmc,columns=['intersection_uid', 'datetime_bin', 'classification_uid',
'leg', 'movement', 'volume'])
raw_tmc["classification_uid"] = raw_tmc["classification_uid"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["movement"] = raw_tmc["movement"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["volume"] = raw_tmc["volume"].astype(int)
return raw_tmc
start_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 12, 6, 0, 0))
end_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 12, 12, 0, 0))
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
intersection_uid = 18
raw_tmc = pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
gives 12147! This is another case where we only got a fraction of the rows we expect during the last pull.
To summarize what I'm reading:
The priority focus for this analysis should be whether we are confident we have re-pulled one-minute data for the past two years successfully. We may need to revisit gap finding but let's first make sure we have good data.
Ah, point 1. is really important - for the same intersections (18 and 26) I looked at above, the bell-shaped volume excess only occurs for light vehicles, not trucks and peds.
Investigating further into how the gap finder is masking out peak hour data, for Richmond / Bathurst, we see in the figure above that 2020-04-02 17:00 - 19:00 is missing hourly binned data in the new aggregation, but not the old. Looking at the minute-binned volumes using:
SELECT * FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-04-02 16:00' AND '2020-04-02 18:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 1
ORDER BY datetime_bin
we see no associated volume_15min_tmc_uid
between 17:00 and 18:15 even though there's 997 counts available, so this data is being dropped by the aggregation. Looking into miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps
SELECT * FROM miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps WHERE intersection_uid = 26
there's indeed a gap of 6 minutes that afternoon:
If we aggregate 2020-04-02 up to 15 minutes using this (modified from function-aggregate-volumes_15min_tmc.sql
WITH zero_padding_movements AS (
/*Cross product of legal movement for cars, bikes, and peds and the bins to aggregate*/
SELECT m.*, datetime_bin15
FROM miovision_api.intersection_movements m
CROSS JOIN generate_series('2020-04-02'::date - interval '1 hour', '2020-04-03'::date - interval '1 hour 15 minutes', INTERVAL '15 minutes') AS dt(datetime_bin15)
-- make sure that the intersection is still active
WHERE intersection_uid = 26
SELECT pad.intersection_uid,
pad.datetime_bin15 AS datetime_bin,
CASE WHEN un.accept = FALSE THEN NULL ELSE (COALESCE(SUM(A.volume), 0)) END AS volume
FROM zero_padding_movements pad
--To set unacceptable ones to NULL instead (& only gap fill light vehicles, cyclist and pedestrian)
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps un
ON un.intersection_uid = pad.intersection_uid
AND pad.datetime_bin15 BETWEEN DATE_TRUNC('hour', gap_start)
AND DATE_TRUNC('hour', gap_end) + interval '1 hour' -- may get back to this later on for fear of removing too much data
--To get 1min bins
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.volumes A
ON A.datetime_bin >= '2020-04-02'::date - INTERVAL '1 hour'
AND A.datetime_bin < '2020-04-03'::date - INTERVAL '1 hour'
AND A.datetime_bin >= pad.datetime_bin15
AND A.datetime_bin < pad.datetime_bin15 + interval '15 minutes'
AND A.intersection_uid = pad.intersection_uid
AND A.classification_uid = pad.classification_uid
AND A.leg = pad.leg
AND A.movement_uid = pad.movement_uid
GROUP BY pad.intersection_uid, pad.datetime_bin15, pad.classification_uid, pad.leg, pad.movement_uid, un.accept
HAVING pad.classification_uid IN (1,2,6) OR SUM(A.volume) > 0
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The volume is NULL
from 17:00 - 18:15. So likely what happened is there is currently an unacceptable gap where before there was none, but a separate issue is that the masked timespan is 1 hour 15 minutes long, leading to two NULL
values when aggregating up to hourly bins. We should either switch to DATE_TRUNC('hour', gap_end) + interval '59 minutes'
in the LEFT JOIN
with miovision_api.unacceptable_gaps
, or allow for NULL
s in the aggregation up to 1 hour.
To test whether simply re-running the API script can fill the dramatic drops in volume mentioned above, I will try to fill in Front / Jarvis (intersection_uid = 8
) from 2020-03-14 to 2020-03-15.
Between 0600 and 1200, the old hourly binned data
SELECT SUM(volume_actual) FROM covid.miovision_summary_20200922backup
WHERE intersection_uid = 8 AND class_type = 'Pedestrians'
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
returns 6143 counts. The new raw data
SELECT SUM(volume) FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
returns 2538.
I run
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-03-14 --end_date 2020-03-15 --pull &> log_repull_2020_03_14.txt
SELECT SUM(volume) FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
returns 2832.
Oh GOD, tried running this script to read from the API into a Pandas table:
import psycopg2
import math
import pytz
import datetime
from requests import Session
import pandas as pd
import pathlib
import configparser
import sys
import intersection_tmc as itmc
# Grab Postgres and Miovision credentials.
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'.charlesconfig').as_posix())
postgres_settings = config['POSTGRES']
miov_token = config['MIOVISION']['key']
local_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')
url = ''
tmc_endpoint = '/tmc'
with psycopg2.connect(database='bigdata', **postgres_settings) as conn:
df_intcodes = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM miovision_api.intersections", con=conn)
intcode_lookup = dict(zip(df_intcodes['intersection_uid'], df_intcodes['id']))
# Generator for cycling through 6-hour time blocks.
def timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
for i in range(math.ceil((end_time - start_time) / dt)):
c_start = start_time + i * dt
c_end = min(c_start + dt, end_time)
yield (c_start, c_end)
# As above, but uses directly.
def get_ped_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
tmc_all = []
intersection_id = intcode_lookup[intersection_uid]
for (c_start_t, c_end_t) in timerange(start_time, end_time, dt):
params = {'endTime': c_end_t, 'startTime' : c_start_t}
tmc = itmc.get_pedestrian(c_start_t, c_end_t, intersection_id,
intersection_uid, miov_token)
tmc_all += tmc
return tmc_all
def pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid):
raw_tmc = get_ped_loop(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
raw_tmc = pd.DataFrame(
raw_tmc,columns=['intersection_uid', 'datetime_bin', 'classification_uid',
'leg', 'movement', 'volume'])
raw_tmc["classification_uid"] = raw_tmc["classification_uid"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["movement"] = raw_tmc["movement"].astype(int)
raw_tmc["volume"] = raw_tmc["volume"].astype(int)
return raw_tmc
start_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 14, 6, 0, 0))
end_time = local_tz.localize(datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 14, 12, 0, 0))
dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
intersection_uid = 8
raw_tmc = pull_api(start_time, end_time, dt, intersection_uid)
Then ran
raw_tmc['datetime_bin'] = pd.to_datetime(raw_tmc['datetime_bin'])
raw_tmc['hour'] = raw_tmc['datetime_bin'].dt.hour
to get hourly counts.
The first time I ran the API, I got:
The second time:
The second time is consistent with the old hourly counts:
SELECT * FROM covid.miovision_summary_20200922backup
WHERE intersection_uid = 8 AND class_type = 'Pedestrians'
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
ORDER BY datetime_bin
Running the Python script for a third, fourth and fifth time, I get the same results as the second time, so am unable to reproduce this problem. Regardless it shows that this issue is with the API and not our code. What's disturbing is the API is unstable enough to return different volumes on two subsequent 1 day pulls.
Now I'm confused: running the Python script multiple times leads to the same volumes being pulled (the ones that are the same as in the backup version), but running python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-03-14 --end_date 2020-03-15 --pull &> log_repull_2020_03_14.txt
, then running
SELECT EXTRACT(hour FROM datetime_bin) date_hour, SUM(volume) volume
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
GROUP BY EXTRACT(hour FROM datetime_bin)
keeps leading to
which are significantly lower than in the old data. Are we losing volumes when inserting data?
Some progress! Made this test table:
CREATE TABLE czhu.miovision_volumes_test
volume_uid serial NOT NULL,
intersection_uid integer,
datetime_bin timestamp without time zone,
classification_uid integer,
leg text,
movement_uid integer,
volume integer,
volume_15min_tmc_uid integer
ALTER TABLE czhu.miovision_volumes_test
OWNER TO czhu;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE czhu.miovision_volumes_test TO miovision_admins;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE czhu.miovision_volumes_test TO miovision_api_bot;
GRANT USAGE, SELECT ON SEQUENCE miovision_volumes_test_volume_uid_seq TO miovision_api_bot;
and created
, which is identical to
except that insert_data
looks like:
def insert_data(conn, start_time, end_iteration_time, table, dupes):
time_period = (start_time, end_iteration_time)
with conn:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
insert_data = '''INSERT INTO czhu.miovision_volumes_test(intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid,
leg, movement_uid, volume) VALUES %s'''
execute_values(cur, insert_data, table)
if conn.notices != []:
if dupes:
# with conn:
# with conn.cursor() as cur:
# api_log="SELECT miovision_api.api_log(%s::date, %s::date)"
# cur.execute(api_log, time_period)
#'Inserted into volumes and updated log')
# with conn:
# with conn.cursor() as cur:
# invalid_movements="SELECT miovision_api.find_invalid_movements(%s::date, %s::date)"
# cur.execute(invalid_movements, time_period)
which redirects pulled data to czhu.miovision_volumes_test
rather than our usual miovision_api.volumes
(and then doesn't update the log tables).
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-03-14 --end_date 2020-03-15 --intersection=8 --pull
and then using
SELECT EXTRACT(hour FROM datetime_bin) date_hour, SUM(volume) volume
FROM czhu.miovision_volumes_test
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 06:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
GROUP BY EXTRACT(hour FROM datetime_bin)
we get
the numbers we're looking for!
So something about the way miovision_api.volumes
is set is removing rows that aren't duplicates.
Finally, we can directly compare miovision_api.volumes
with czhu.miovision_volumes_test
WITH miov_data AS (
SELECT datetime_bin,
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 09:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
), charles_test_data AS (
SELECT datetime_bin,
FROM czhu.miovision_volumes_test
WHERE intersection_uid = 8
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-03-14 09:00' AND '2020-03-14 11:59:59'
AND classification_uid = 6
SELECT datetime_bin,
FROM miov_data a
FULL OUTER JOIN charles_test_data b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE a.volume != b.volume
There are no rows where a.volume
or b.volume
are NULL
, so all times are represented in both datasets. However, there are hundreds of rows where the volumes simply disagree:
The trigger function doesn't do anything when it hits the unique constraint, that's why when you attempted to repull the data into volumes
it didn't update the volumes, because all the rows had the same time stamps.
It is extremely unexpected that the API is returning different volumes for the same 1-minute bins
To evaluate more broadly the error found above, Raph copied the recently refreshed volumes into a volume_20201007
column. I've added a sleep(60)
command at the end of each iteration of the for loop in pull_data
. Now running
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-01-01 --end_date 2020-10-06 --pull &> log_refresh_2020_withsleep.txt
to re-pull all 2020 data. Will investigate once it's complete how different the volumes are.
Updating the trigger function to update rows on conflict
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION miovision_api.volumes_insert_trigger()
RETURNS trigger
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
COST 100
IF new.datetime_bin >= '2018-01-01'::date AND new.datetime_bin < ('2018-01-01'::date + '1 year'::interval) THEN
INSERT INTO miovision_api.volumes_2018 (intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid, volume)
ELSIF new.datetime_bin >= '2019-01-01'::date AND new.datetime_bin < ('2019-01-01'::date + '1 year'::interval) THEN
INSERT INTO miovision_api.volumes_2019 AS vol (intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid, volume)
VALUES (NEW.intersection_uid, NEW.datetime_bin, NEW.classification_uid, NEW.leg, NEW.movement_uid, NEW.volume)
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT volumes_2019_intersection_uid_datetime_bin_classification_u_key DO
UPDATE SET volume = EXCLUDED.volume
WHERE vol.volume < EXCLUDED.volume;
ELSIF new.datetime_bin >= '2020-01-01'::date AND new.datetime_bin < ('2020-01-01'::date + '1 year'::interval) THEN
INSERT INTO miovision_api.volumes_2020 AS vol (intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid, volume)
VALUES (NEW.intersection_uid, NEW.datetime_bin, NEW.classification_uid, NEW.leg, NEW.movement_uid, NEW.volume)
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT volumes_2020_intersection_uid_datetime_bin_classification_u_key DO
UPDATE SET volume = EXCLUDED.volume
WHERE vol.volume < EXCLUDED.volume;
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Datetime_bin out of range. Fix the volumes_insert_trigger() function!';
RAISE WARNING 'You are trying to insert duplicate data!';
ALTER FUNCTION miovision_api.volumes_insert_trigger()
OWNER TO miovision_admins;
Add historic volume column
ALTER TABLE miovision_api.volumes
ADD COLUMN volume_20201007 INTEGER;
COMMENT ON COLUMN miovision_api.volumes.volume_20201007 is 'Old volume as of 2020-10-07';
UPDATE miovision_api.volumes SET volume_20201007 = volume
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2019-01-01 --end_date 2020-01-01 --pull &> log_refresh_2019_withsleep.txt
and hit on an issue described in #342. Following Raph switching volume_uid
to bigint, running:
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2019-04-18 --end_date 2020-01-01 --pull &>
Now that we have an old API pull, a new API pull and a CSV dump from Miovision, we can check the data integrity of the three. I chose to do this by binning the raw minute-bin data in miovision_csv.volumes_2020
and miovision_api.volumes
up to the hour, and joining the two aggregate tables together. This is done in 05 - Compare Miovision API and CSV Data.ipynb
From the get-go, we notice a lot of missing data in miovision_api.volumes
. This is because
checks that the activation date is before the start of the pull period, and the decommission date is before the current day (that should really be the last timestamp of the pull...). In total, 563,109 hours of data are missing.
There's also data missing in the CSV pull. For almost all intersection_uid
s the number of missing rows is less than 10. The exceptions are King / Jarvis (UID 20) and Queen / Jarvis (25). These are missing 4281 and 272 hours of data, respectively, in August/September 2020.
For timestamps that exist in both CSV and API data, we check for differences in volumes. For light vehicles at Adelaide / Bathurst, here's the difference between CSV and the most recent API pull:
and here is the difference between CSV and the older API pull:
Upward spikes indicate locations where the CSV has a higher volume, and represent the same phenomenon as these downward spikes we discussed several weeks ago. We see that the new API pull volume difference has fewer spikes than the old one, but spikes still exist.
There are also negative spikes, which indicate locations where the CSV has lower volume than the API pull.
Differences in volume are due to either
To investigate further, we look at a negative spike (CSV has less data) on 2020-08-08 10:00-12:00 and a positive spike (CSV has more data) on 2019-06-11 21:00 (2019-11-03 01:00 is due to Daylight Savings Time).
SELECT datetime_bin,
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_csv
FROM miovision_csv.volumes_2020
WHERE intersection_uid = 4 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-08-08 10:50:00' AND '2020-08-08 11:05:00'
) a
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_api
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 4 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-08-08 10:50:00' AND '2020-08-08 11:05:00'
) b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE (volume_csv IS NULL) OR (volume_api IS NULL) OR (volume_api != volume_csv)
ORDER BY datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid
Here we see BOTH missing minutes and differences between CSV and API volumes 😡.
For 2019-06-11 21:00:
SELECT datetime_bin,
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_csv
FROM miovision_csv.volumes_2020
WHERE intersection_uid = 4 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-06-11 21:15:00' AND '2019-06-11 21:35:00'
) a
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_api
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 4 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-06-11 21:15:00' AND '2019-06-11 21:35:00'
) b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE (volume_csv IS NULL) OR (volume_api IS NULL) OR (volume_api != volume_csv)
ORDER BY datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid
Here we're mainly just missing 15 minutes of data on the API side.
We look at 2019-11-09 08:00 - 13:00 and 2019-06-11 21:00 (again).
SELECT datetime_bin,
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_csv
FROM miovision_csv.volumes_2020
WHERE intersection_uid = 26 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-11-09 08:00:00' AND '2019-11-09 13:00:00'
) a
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_api
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-11-09 08:00:00' AND '2019-11-09 13:00:00'
) b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE (volume_csv IS NULL) OR (volume_api IS NULL) OR (volume_api != volume_csv)
ORDER BY datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid
SELECT datetime_bin,
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_csv
FROM miovision_csv.volumes_2020
WHERE intersection_uid = 26 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-06-11 21:00:00' AND '2019-06-11 21:59:00'
) a
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_api
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = 26 AND classification_uid = 1
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN '2019-06-11 21:00:00' AND '2019-06-11 21:59:00'
) b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE (volume_csv IS NULL) OR (volume_api IS NULL) OR (volume_api != volume_csv)
ORDER BY datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid
These results are pretty similar to Adelaide / Jarvis - in the case where the CSV hourly volume is smaller than the API one, we see missing rows of data and some rows that don't agree. In the case where the API hourly volume is smaller, we mainly see missing rows in the API data.
because we ran
for entire year blocks, and that script only includes intersections that were activated before the start of the block and are still active.Thanks for this investigation. I think the highest priority check is if these volume drops affect the classifications and intersections @KatiRG is using right now.
In order to send off an email to the vendor: can you recreate the screenshot tables but with the input legs and movements, i.e. the format of miovision_csv.raw_data2020
The activeto intersections we are currently investigating are: 33,34,35,36,37,38,40
So the way I test volume drops is not by looking at absolute values (where it's very difficult to tell whether a volume change is physical or a data artifact) but by comparing the CSV and API pulls. Of course, the API pull doesn't have any data on intersections 33 - 40 until 2020-09-29 because of the active intersection selection problem discussed in this issue.
The only solution I can think of is to re-rig the script mentioned in that issue to re-pull data from June - Sept inclusive.
As for producing tables with entry_dir_name
and exit_dir_name
, I'm not certain where those columns are defined and how to translate movement IDs into them. (miovision_csv.raw_data2020
is empty.)
You can find the query transforming the data
Don't worry about the exit_dir_name
, entry and movement are enough to identify the movement.
Also making sure we understand what might be missing from the data used in ActiveTO is a priority.
Ran a new pull of the Miovision API data using
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --start_date 2020-06-20 --end_date 2020-10-01 --pull &> log_refresh_2020_stns33_40.txt
This refreshed data from intersections 33 - 40 from their activation to 2020-09-30.
Looking at differences in the raw data between miovision_csv.volumes_2020
and miovision_api.volumes
for cyclists (classification_uid = 2
), I find an annoying number of drops, none of which severely affect the overall trends of the Miovision data but do cast doubt on the exact hourly volumes. The lines below are all CSV data - API data so negative values indicate data missing from the CSV but found by the most recent API pull. Data is binned to the hour.
Those drops are all 1 hour long, and occur at:
The magnitude of the drop is on order of 20. Note that absolute volumes during those times are ~250, so these constitute 10% drops.
Drops are < 20 and
Drops are < 20 and
The largest drop of 35 is on the 30th of August, but the hourly volume there was 408 (according to CSV data).
Drops are < 3 and at
There's a gain of 2 at 2020-09-13 11:00.
Drops are < 15 and at
Drops are < 20 and at
Drops are at
The largest drops are around 10.
Spikes of ~50 at
Typical volumes are 40-80, so this could represent a ~20% change in the volumes. I wouldn't trust the API data over the CSV, though.
Executive summary of the above:
Got really tired of writing the same Postgres code over and over again, so here's a function czhu.miov_api_csv_compare
, that extracts all differences between miovision_csv.volumes_2020
and miovision_api.volumes
given an intersection_uid
, classification_uid
, start_time
, and end_time
create function czhu.miov_api_csv_compare (
intersect_uid integer,
class_uid integer,
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp
returns table (
datetime_bin_r timestamp,
entry_dir_name_r text,
movement_r text,
volume_csv_r integer,
volume_api_r integer
language plpgsql
as $$
return query
WITH comp_data AS (
SELECT datetime_bin,
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_csv
FROM miovision_csv.volumes_2020
WHERE intersection_uid = intersect_uid AND classification_uid = class_uid
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
) a
SELECT datetime_bin,
volume volume_api
FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE intersection_uid = intersect_uid AND classification_uid = class_uid
AND datetime_bin BETWEEN start_time AND end_time
) b USING (datetime_bin, leg, movement_uid)
WHERE (volume_csv IS NULL) OR (volume_api IS NULL) OR (volume_api != volume_csv)
SELECT a.datetime_bin,
a.leg entry_dir_name,
FROM comp_data a
LEFT JOIN miovision_csv.movements b USING (movement_uid)
ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;
For example, to replicate the query here for Adelaide / Jarvis (uid = 4) light vehicles (uid = 1) from '2020-08-08 10:50:00' to '2020-08-08 11:05:00':
SELECT * FROM czhu.miov_api_csv_compare(4, 1, '2020-08-08 10:50:00', '2020-08-08 11:05:00');
To look at Bloor / Avenue (uid = 33) cyclists from '2020-08-07 15:00:00' to '2020-08-07 15:59:00'):
SELECT * FROM czhu.miov_api_csv_compare(33, 2, '2020-08-07 15:00:00', '2020-08-07 15:59:00');
I'm pretty sure entry_dir_name
and leg
are the same... The function assumes this is so.
Following extensive discussion with Brent Rogerson from Miovision, his e-mail on 2020-11-04 provides some details:
When we did our data dump, we compiled the data from the Raw Counts directly (which is where the Cloud API pulls from).
We did this because the API cannot handle 2 years worth data pull at one time. The API is designed around short intervals of data that can be pulled over time from a large database of TMC data.The API accesses the raw data counts from a backend storage search client that's intended to handle billions and billions of records, and relatively quickly search and aggregate them. But, when you ask a database for a count of records, it needs to load up every one of those records in memory to ensure it's a match, and add it to the count. This tool is geared towards searching and aggregating; Its method for counting applies an algorithm that produces a 95+% accuracy count of records without having to count each one.
We learned through this process that the data dump we provided you with is 100% accurate to the raw counts provided from the smartsense and the API is returning a 95+% accuracy due to this architecture/tool state above.
We're now just going to update both the API (on a daily basis) and CSV (on a perhaps monthly one) until Miovision can resolve the discrepancies between the two. Once pipelines for both are set up we can close this issue and #341.
Due to the issue described in #355, we're missing six hours of each day's data since 2020-11-03 (inclusive) for intersections 1 - 40, and since 2020-11-09 (inclusive) for intersections 41 - 54:
With raw as (
SELECT a.intersection_uid,
a.datetime_bin::date date_bin,
MIN(a.datetime_bin) first_timestamp,
MAX(a.datetime_bin) most_recent_timestamp
FROM miovision_api.volumes a
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.intersections b USING (intersection_uid)
WHERE a.datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-11-03' AND '2020-11-13 23:59:59'
GROUP BY a.intersection_uid, b.intersection_name, a.datetime_bin::date
ORDER BY a.intersection_uid
FROM raw
To repair this, hacked
to produce a script that only downloads the final 6 hours of each day's worth of data. Manually specified intersections, and inserted either 2020-11-03 or 2020-11-09 depending on whether we're updating the old or new intersections.
The script doesn't perform 15-minute aggregation, and we'll have to rig up a separate script to do that (it may require us dump existing aggregated data and re-aggregate all of October to accommodate new stations).
import intersection_tmc as itmc
import click
import configparser
from psycopg2 import connect
import dateutil.parser
import traceback
import sys
import datetime
from requests import exceptions
from time import sleep
default_map={'run_api': {'flag': 0}}
def cli():
@click.option('--path' , default='config_miovision_api_bot.cfg', help='enter the path/directory of the config.cfg file')
def run_api(path):
CONFIG = configparser.ConfigParser()
api_key = CONFIG['API']
key = api_key['key']
conn = connect(**dbset)
conn.autocommit = True
itmc.logger.debug('Connected to DB')
start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(str('2020-11-03'))
end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(str('2020-11-12'))
start_time = itmc.local_tz.localize(start_date)
end_time = itmc.local_tz.localize(end_date)'Pulling from %s to %s' %(start_time,end_time))
# We normally run without --dupes.
dupes = False
intersection = tuple(range(1, 41))
pull_data(conn, intersection, start_time, end_time, path, key, dupes)
except Exception as e:
def daterange_last6hrsofday(start_time, end_time):
"""Generator for a sequence of the last 6 hours of each day."""
dt_1day = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
dt_6hrs = datetime.timedelta(hours=6)
dt_18hrs = datetime.timedelta(hours=18)
for i in range(round((end_time - start_time) / dt_1day)):
c_start_t = start_time + dt_18hrs + i * dt_1day
yield (c_start_t, c_start_t + dt_6hrs)
def pull_data(conn, intersection, start_time, end_time, path, key, dupes):
int_info = itmc.IntersectionInfo(conn, intersection)
if len(int_info.int_uids) == 0:
itmc.logger.critical('No intersections found in '
'miovision_api.intersections for the specified '
'start time.')
# So we don't make the comparison thousands of times below.
user_def_intersection = len(intersection) > 0
for (c_start_t, c_end_t) in daterange_last6hrsofday(start_time, end_time):
table = []
for intersection_uid in int_info.int_uids:
intersection_id1, intersection_name = (
if int_info.is_active(intersection_uid, c_start_t): + ' ' + str(c_start_t))
for attempt in range(3):
table_veh = itmc.get_intersection_tmc(
c_start_t, c_end_t, intersection_id1,
intersection_uid, key)
table_ped = itmc.get_pedestrian(
c_start_t, c_end_t,
intersection_id1, intersection_uid, key)
except (exceptions.ProxyError,
itmc.RetryError) as err:
itmc.logger.warning('Retrying in 2 minutes '
'if tries remain.')
except itmc.BreakingError as err:
table_veh = []
table_ped = []
'Could not successfully pull '
'data for this intersection after 3 tries.')
table_veh = []
table_ped = []
# Hack to slow down API hit rate.
elif user_def_intersection: + ' not active on '
+ str(c_start_t))'Completed data pulling from %s to %s'
%(c_start_t, c_end_t))
itmc.insert_data(conn, c_start_t, c_end_t, table, dupes)
except psycopg2.Error as exc:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Ran with
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg &> pull_november_1800.txt
Check following data pull:
With raw as (
SELECT a.intersection_uid,
a.datetime_bin::date date_bin,
MIN(a.datetime_bin) first_timestamp,
MAX(a.datetime_bin) most_recent_timestamp
FROM miovision_api.volumes a
LEFT JOIN miovision_api.intersections b USING (intersection_uid)
WHERE a.datetime_bin BETWEEN '2020-11-03' AND '2020-11-13 23:59:59'
GROUP BY a.intersection_uid, b.intersection_name, a.datetime_bin::date
ORDER BY a.intersection_uid
FROM raw
WHERE most_recent_timestamp::time <= '23:59:00'
intersection_uid | intersection_name | date_bin | first_timestamp | most_recent_timestamp |
1 | Adelaide / Bathurst | 2020-11-07 | 2020-11-07 00:00:00 | 2020-11-07 23:58:00 |
41 | Bloor / Bay | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
42 | College / University | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
43 | Danforth / Logan | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
44 | Dundas / Bloor | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
45 | Eglinton / Kingston | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
46 | Ellesmere / Morningside | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
47 | Greenwood / Danforth | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
48 | Huntingwood / Warden | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
49 | Lawrence / Brimley | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
50 | Morningside / Kingston | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
51 | Runnymede / Bloor | 2020-11-03 | 2020-11-03 00:00:00 | 2020-11-03 23:58:00 |
51 | Runnymede / Bloor | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
52 | Sheppard / Wilmington | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
53 | St. Clair / Brimley | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
54 | Thorncliffe Park / Overlea | 2020-11-08 | 2020-11-08 00:00:00 | 2020-11-08 22:59:00 |
So there's still some missing data on 2020-11-08 23:00:00.
Modified the above script to handle that block of time. Used
def daterange_last1hrsofday(start_time, end_time):
"""Generator for a sequence of the last 6 hours of each day."""
dt_1day = datetime.timedelta(hours=24)
dt_1hrs = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
dt_23hrs = datetime.timedelta(hours=23)
for i in range(round((end_time - start_time) / dt_1day)):
c_start_t = start_time + dt_23hrs + i * dt_1day
yield (c_start_t, c_start_t + dt_1hrs)
Quick check for duplicates yields no rows:
WITH raw_data AS (
SELECT * FROM miovision_api.volumes
WHERE datetime_bin >= '2020-11-03'
SELECT intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid, volume, COUNT(volume) n_rows
FROM raw_data
GROUP BY intersection_uid, datetime_bin, classification_uid, leg, movement_uid, volume
HAVING COUNT(volume) > 1
Pulling intersections removed after 2020-06-15 into miovision_api.volumes
, partly to see if it's possible. All data is missing for them in 2019 as well (since the old script checked if the stations were still active today, not on the last date being pulled), and I'll run that over the weekend.
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --intersection=9 --intersection=11 --intersection=13 --intersection=14 --intersection=16 --intersection=19 --intersection=30 --intersection=32 --start_date 2020-01-01 --end_date 2020-06-15 --pull &> pull_legacy_intersections_2020.txt
Pulling 2019
python run-api --path /etc/airflow/data_scripts/volumes/miovision/api/config.cfg --intersection=9 --intersection=11 --intersection=13 --intersection=14 --intersection=16 --intersection=19 --intersection=30 --intersection=32 --start_date 2019-01-01 --end_date 2020-01-01 --pull &> pull_legacy_intersections_2019.txt
The 2019 pull ran successfully for around 6 hours before failing on:
13 Nov 2020 15:04:33 INFO King / Strachan 2019-08-22 06:00:00-05:00
13 Nov 2020 15:04:33 ERROR HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /intersections/c3834b0e-7f87-458a-9742-0832048f04db/crosswalktmc?endTime=2019-08-22+12%3A00%3A00-05%3A00&startTime=2019-08-22+06%3A00%3A00-05%3A00 (Caused by SSLError(SSLError("bad handshake: Error([('SSL routines', 'tls_process_server_certificate', 'certificate verify failed')],)",),))
13 Nov 2020 15:04:33 WARNING Retrying in 2 minutes if tries remain.
This same failure has affected our Airflow scripts as well. Not sure if it's because of too much pulling in general or not. If it is, great reason not to try to re-pull all the data after Miovision upgrades its API.
Contacted Miovision to get it resolved.
For reasons #329 #323 we need to refresh all of the data in
. The steps are as followsMake a copy of the aggregated metrics we are looking at now for performance, we will compare how this change affects numbers before/after in case anyone notices a difference in products we have previously pushed to stakeholders.
Ensure the above issues are complete.
🛑 refreshing and publishing/sending aggregated Miovision data products
TRUNCATE miovision_api.volumes CASCADE
for all of timetruncate the following
to re-aggregate the data,
needs to be refreshed for the dates in question since it is currently refreshed daily to look at the last 60 days. I think the ideal would be to do this in 2 month chunks: a) b) loop over theprocess_data()
Python function in a Python script downstream materialized views
Do a comparison of before/after data change