CityofToronto / bdit_king_pilot_dashboard

Dashboard for King St Pilot
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Merging Year/Month/Day Data into one dataset #37

Closed rcyyu closed 7 years ago

rcyyu commented 7 years ago

Rather than having the current set up of 3 seperate JSON files to host geographic/volume data for each range, merge them all into one JSON file to save memory. Can be done by modifying king_pilot_dash.street_volumes_geojson to have 3 new columns called pct_change_day, pct_change_month, pct_change_year and randomly generated fake data for each. In addition to these changes, drop some of the columns which will not be used such as linear_name_id, oneway_dir_code, dir_bin.

rcyyu commented 7 years ago

Merged data and removed unnecessary columns. Used the same code to make the king_street_dashoard.street_volumes_geojson except with the changes. king_street_dashoard.street_volumes_geojson still needs to be updated with the following code.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ryu4.street_volumes_geojson AS 
 SELECT json_build_object('type', 'FeatureCollection', 'features', array_to_json(array_agg(f.*))) AS geojson
   FROM ( SELECT 'Feature' AS type,
            st_asgeojson(street_volumes.geom, 15, 2)::json AS geometry,
            json_build_object('feature_code_desc', street_volumes.feature_code_desc, 'centreline_id', street_volumes.centreline_id, 'linear_name_full', street_volumes.linear_name_full,
            'volume', street_volumes.volume, 'year', street_volumes.year, 'direction', street_volumes.direction, 'min_zoom', street_volumes.min_zoom, 'id',, 'has_data', street_volumes.has_data,
               'pct_change_day', (random() * 50::double precision - 25::double precision)::integer,
               'pct_change_month', (random() * 50::double precision - 25::double precision)::integer,
               'pct_change_year', (random() * 50::double precision - 25::double precision)::integer) AS properties
           FROM streets_tiled_kingstreetpilot street_volumes) f;