Open gabrielwol opened 11 months ago
I also created a repeatable example to show how this situation can occur using CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ... AS
-- Create the employees table
CREATE TABLE gwolofs.employees (
employee_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
employee_name VARCHAR(50),
department VARCHAR(50)
-- Insert some initial data
INSERT INTO gwolofs.employees (employee_name, department)
('Alice', 'HR'),
('Bob', 'IT'),
('Bob', 'Sales');
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS gwolofs.it_employees CASCADE;
CREATE VIEW gwolofs.it_employees AS
SELECT * FROM gwolofs.employees WHERE department = 'IT';
DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS gwolofs.it_employees_copy;
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW gwolofs.it_employees_copy AS
SELECT * FROM gwolofs.it_employees NATURAL JOIN gwolofs.employees;
--replace view with one that is recursively self-referential
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW gwolofs.it_employees AS
SELECT * FROM gwolofs.it_employees_copy;
SELECT obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth
WITH RECURSIVE recursive_deps(obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth) AS
'gwolofs'::varchar COLLATE "C",
'employees'::varchar COLLATE "C",
recursive_deps.depth + 1
ref_nsp.nspname AS ref_schema,
ref_cl.relname AS ref_name,
rwr_cl.relkind AS dep_type,
rwr_nsp.nspname AS dep_schema,
rwr_cl.relname AS dep_name
FROM pg_depend dep
JOIN pg_class ref_cl ON dep.refobjid = ref_cl.oid
JOIN pg_namespace ref_nsp ON ref_cl.relnamespace = ref_nsp.oid
JOIN pg_rewrite rwr ON dep.objid = rwr.oid
JOIN pg_class rwr_cl ON rwr.ev_class = rwr_cl.oid
JOIN pg_namespace rwr_nsp ON rwr_cl.relnamespace = rwr_nsp.oid
dep.deptype = 'n'
AND dep.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
) AS deps
JOIN recursive_deps ON
deps.ref_schema = recursive_deps.obj_schema
AND deps.ref_name = recursive_deps.obj_name
--remove this and it will run infinitely
depth < 10
deps.ref_schema != deps.dep_schema
OR deps.ref_name != deps.dep_name)
SELECT obj_schema, obj_name, obj_type, depth
FROM recursive_deps
WHERE depth > 0
) t
noting islam's suggestion here, we could add a logic for: skip view A when view A has been logged as a previous view's dependency.
I couldn't figure out a way to include this in the current recursive query:
ERROR: recursive reference to query "recursive_deps" must not appear within an outer join
LINE 64: LEFT JOIN recursive_deps USING (obj_schema, obj_name...
I think we will have to restructure as a while loop.
When trying to save the dependencies for
, we encountered an infinite recursion. I narrowed it down to:VIEW open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm
andMATERIALIZED VIEW open_data_staging.volumes_atr_shortterm_exceptions
which refer to each other.Full definitions:
```sql DROP VIEW open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm AS SELECT flow_atr.centreline_id, flow_atr.direction, flow_atr.location, flow_atr.class_type, flow_atr.datetime_bin, flow_atr.volume_15min FROM open_data.flow_atr WHERE flow_atr.station_type = 'Short Term'::text AND flow_atr.volume_15min >= 0::numeric AND NOT (EXISTS ( SELECT exceptions.datetime_bin, exceptions.location FROM gwolofs.volumes_atr_shortterm_exceptions exceptions WHERE exceptions.datetime_bin = flow_atr.datetime_bin::date AND exceptions.location::text = flow_atr.location::text)); CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS open_data_staging.volumes_atr_shortterm_exceptions TABLESPACE pg_default AS SELECT o1.datetime_bin::date AS datetime_bin, o1.location FROM open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm o1 JOIN open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm o2 ON o1.location::text = o2.location::text WHERE CASE WHEN (o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin) < '00:00:00'::interval THEN - (o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin) ELSE o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin END <= '01:00:00'::interval AND (o1.volume_15min > 20::numeric AND o2.volume_15min = 0::numeric OR o1.volume_15min < 450::numeric AND o2.volume_15min > 1000::numeric) UNION SELECT o2.datetime_bin::date AS datetime_bin, o2.location FROM open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm o1 JOIN open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm o2 ON o1.location::text = o2.location::text WHERE CASE WHEN (o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin) < '00:00:00'::interval THEN - (o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin) ELSE o1.datetime_bin - o2.datetime_bin END <= '01:00:00'::interval AND (o1.volume_15min > 20::numeric AND o2.volume_15min = 0::numeric OR o1.volume_15min < 450::numeric AND o2.volume_15min > 1000::numeric) UNION SELECT v.datetime_bin::date AS datetime_bin, v.location FROM open_data.volumes_atr_vehicles_shortterm v GROUP BY (v.datetime_bin::date), v.location HAVING count(*) <= 3 AND (max(v.volume_15min) > 1000::numeric OR min(v.volume_15min) <= 5::numeric) OR avg(v.volume_15min) = 0::numeric WITH DATA;